Become an authorised inspector

Authorised inspectors are qualified mechanics appointed to carry out vehicle inspections in the Northern Territory (NT).

You can be authorised to carry out inspections:

  • on more than one class of vehicle
  • at more than one inspection station
  • as a mobile authorised inspector in remote areas.

How to apply

To apply to become an authorised inspector, follow these steps.

Step 1. Prepare application and supporting documents

Fill in the authorised inspector form PDF (777.7 KB).

You must also attach the following supporting documents to your application:

  • a criminal history check for employment - read how to apply for a criminal history check
  • your relevant qualifications - eg: motor vehicle trade certificates
  • two written references - personal and work-related
  • your NT driver licence details
  • details of the approved inspection station where you would do this work and the owner's endorsement.

If you don't provide all this information within three months of starting your application, you will need to reapply.

Step 2. Submit your application

Submit the form and your supporting documents by email, mail or fax.


Email to


Department of Logistics and Infrastructure
GPO Box 2520
Darwin NT 0801

Step 3. Take the exam

After your application has been approved, you must take an exam for the vehicle class you applied for.

You should prepare for the exam by reviewing the following:

  • vehicle information bulletins - specifically about:
    • vehicle dimensions
    • lighting
    • conditional registration
    • vehicle identification
  • relevant inspection manuals and AI business rules - see resources and reference materials below.

If you applied to inspect more than one class of vehicle, you must sit a separate exam for each class of vehicle. Each exam can take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.

If you pass the exam, you will be appointed as an authorised inspector for this class.

If you applied as a mobile authorised inspector

If you applied to be appointed as a mobile AI, you will also need to sit a supplementary mobile AI exam.

This is in addition to the exam/s for the vehicle class or classes you applied for.

If you pass this supplementary exam along with your vehicle class exam/s, you will also be appointed as a mobile authorised inspector for the vehicle class you were approved to inspect.

Once you are ready to sit your exam, contact the department’s authorised inspector officer via the contact details below.

Resources and reference materials

The following links contain useful resources and reference material to help you in studying for the exams.

You should keep referring to these resources, even after you have been appointed as an AI:


To find out more, call 08 8999 3127 or email

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