Replace your driver licence card if lost, stolen or damaged

If your driver licence is lost, stolen or damaged or compromised, you can apply for a replacement card.

You can also do so if you've recently been affected by a data breach.

licence replacement fee will apply.

If its due to a data breach, you can seek reimbursement from the affected organisation by presenting your transaction receipt.

Apply online

Other ways to apply

You can also apply in person or over the phone.

Before you apply

When submitting your request, you must provide all of the following to the MVR:

  • full name
  • date of birth
  • residential address
  • contact phone number.

You may need to show evidence of identity.

In person

You can apply for a replacement card in person:

You can pay the fee by cash, BasicsCard, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard.

By phone

You can request a replacement card by calling 1300 654 628.

You can pay the fee by Visa or MasterCard.

After you apply

Once your request is processed, you will get a receipt, which you must keep with you at all times when driving.

This is your authority to drive until your driver licence card arrives at your recorded postal address.

Standard mail delivery times apply.

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