Multicultural grants

Multicultural grants program

The Multicultural Grants Program (MGP) provides funding to migrant and multicultural communities in the Northern Territory (NT).

There are 4 schemes under this program:

This scheme provides funding to assist with organising, promoting and running cultural:

  • events
  • activities
  • festivals.

Funding can be used for events or projects that promote:

  • social inclusion
  • cohesion
  • multicultural diversity
  • linguistic diversity.

Two rounds of grants are available each year:

  • Round 1 - opens on 1 March and closes on 31 March for activities starting from July.
  • Round 2 - opens on 1 September and closes on 30 September for activities starting from January next year.

Read section 1 of the guidelines.

This scheme provides funding to assist with:

  • unplanned events or
  • changing circumstances.

Projects that will be considered are assessed on how well they meet the following criteria:

  • Assist the community’s knowledge and appreciation of different cultures
  • foster opportunities for multicultural communities to maintain, develop and express their cultural and linguistic diversity
  • are accessible and can be attended by the broader Northern Territory community.

Applications open on 1 July and remain open until 30 April or until funding runs out.

Applications should be submitted 4 to 6 weeks before the start date of your event.

Read section 2 of the guidelines.

This scheme provides funding towards innovative projects that address emerging issues in the multicultural community, such as:

  • education and skills development
  • employment
  • social isolation
  • other related issues.

Applications open on 1 July and close on 15 August 2024.

This grant is for a multi-year funding agreement (minimum of 2 years and maximum of 5 years), to begin on 1 January 2025.

Read section 3 of the guidelines.

This scheme provides funding to assist with the delivery of multicultural peak body functions in the NT.

These functions include:

  • promoting multiculturalism, community understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity
  • engaging regularly with the multicultural community
  • conducting or supporting research on migrant and refugee experiences to inform policies, services and programs
  • providing a forum and space where multicultural communities can participate in a range of activities, including information sharing and consultations
  • engaging and collaborating with service providers to inform the development of programs and projects responding to identified emerging needs
  • organising or partnering with relevant groups to deliver multicultural celebrations
  • representing and providing leadership in addressing multicultural issues, including participating in forums such as the Minister’s Advisory Council on Multicultural Affairs on behalf of multicultural communities and other national forums
  • empowering and supporting diverse cultural groups to form and effectively manage community organisations.

Applications open on 1 July and close on 15 August 2024.

This grant is for a multi-year funding agreement (minimum of 2 years and maximum of 5 years), to begin on 1 January 2025.

Read section 4 of the guidelines.

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Read the MGP guidelines.

Multicultural grants program guidelines PDF (372.0 KB)
Multicultural grants program guidelines DOCX (679.5 KB)

Step 2. Apply online through GrantsNT.


For help or to discuss a late application, contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs by calling 08 8999 3894 or emailing

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