
Find out about a past adoption in the NT

You can find out about a past adoption from the Adoption Unit of the Department of Children and Families if:

  • you were legally adopted
  • had a child adopted or
  • had a family member adopted in the Northern Territory (NT).

This is a free service.

The family information service in the Adoption Unit can provide information, support and if needed, mediation between parties.

Before you're given any identifying information, you must receive counselling.

The Births, Deaths and Marriages office can only provide information if they have authorisation from the Adoption Unit.

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the form

You must fill in the family information service application.

Family information service application PDF (179.2 KB)
Family information service application DOCX (69.4 KB).

Step 2. Attach supporting documents

You must also attach 2 forms of photo identification and proof of address with the form.

Photo ID

You can use any of the following:

  • birth certificate
  • Australian passport
  • Australian citizenship certificate
  • Australian or foreign driver licence
  • licence or permit issued by the Australian Government or a state or territory government showing your photo and date of birth 
    • e.g. firearms licence, MSIC or ASIC licence
  • evidence of age card from any Australian state or territory
  • photo identity document issued by an Aboriginal land council
  • statutory declaration confirming your identity written by someone you have known for at least a year - it must:
    • be the original signed version
    • it must include all of your previous names and a passport-sized photo of yourself
  • a current and valid working with children clearance notice / Ochre Card
  • photo ID showing you're an Australian Government, state or territory employee
  • Medicare, Centrelink or health care card
  • credit card, debit card or passbook - one per bank
  • council rates notice with your name and current residential address
  • utilities notice with your current address.

Any copies must be certified by a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Oaths.

Step 3. Submit the form

Submit the form by mail or email to the Adoption Unit.


For more information, contact the Adoption Unit.

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