Disability awards and recognition
The Office of Disability supports events and awards to celebrate inclusion and achievements of people with disability in the Northern Territory (NT).
These efforts align with the NT Disability Strategy 2022-2032 and its action plan, which aim to create an inclusive community where people with disability are valued, respected and can actively contribute, no matter where they live.
Read more about the strategy and action plan on the Department of People, Sport and Culture website.
NT Young Achiever Awards
The Office of Disability sponsors the Young Carers Award at the NT Young Achiever Awards each year.
The awards acknowledge, encourage and promote the positive achievements of young people in the NT who are aged 30 years or under.
Nominating a young person for the award recognises the difference they are making by caring for and supporting a person with disability or who is aged.
Often, young carers give their time to make the lives of the people they care for more comfortable.
They also help:
- improve independence
- boost confidence
- enhance wellbeing.
This help can be the difference between being in hospital or at home, feeling happy or depressed, having self-respect or feeling like a burden and lonely.
The award is presented to a young carer who is making an outstanding contribution in this field.
To nominate or to find out more, go to the NT Young Achiever Awards website.
NT Disability Inclusion Awards
Every year, the NT Disability Inclusion Awards recognise exceptional individuals, businesses, organisations, government departments and programs that demonstrate outstanding commitment to improving the lives of Territorians with disability.
There are 5 award categories and an overall award for excellence selected from the pool of winners and highly commended recipients across all award categories.
The 6 awards presented at the official ceremony are:
- excellence in rights promotion
- inclusive communities award
- excellence in innovation
- excellence in support
- excellence in service quality
- overall award for excellence.
To nominate or to find out more, go to the NT Disability Inclusion Awards website.
All Abilities Expo
The All Abilities Expo is an interactive event that connects people with disability, carers, guardians and families with disability service providers and other community organisations.
The free event provides an opportunity for people with disability to speak directly with service providers to discuss individual requirements.
Integrated disAbility Action hosts the event in Darwin every May and other regional centres such as:
- Katherine (annually)
- Alice Springs (as required).
All participating services are captured in the All Abilities Expo Directory, a valuable online resource packed with essential information and contacts.
To be part of one of the events held across the Territory this year, and secure your inclusion in the directory, register your stall or consider a sponsorship package.
To find out more, go to the All Abilities Expo website.
National Carer’s Week
National Carer’s Week is recognised and celebrated across Australia each year during October.
In the Territory, Carers NT coordinate events and festivities that aim to:
- celebrate and broaden awareness of carers
- highlight the contribution they make to our community.
Many carers do not realise they are in fact a carer.
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged.
To find out more, go to the Carers NT website.
International Day of People with Disability
The International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations-observed day celebrated yearly on 3 December.
It aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.
The Australian Government Department of Social Services funds a national program to help promote and raise awareness of IDPwD.
Aligning with Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-31, the program includes a website with resources, stories, ambassadors and an events calendar listing registered celebrations and events across Australia.
To find out more, go to the IDPwD website.
For more information, contact the Office of Disability by calling 08 8999 2809 or emailing OfficeofDisability.TFHC@nt.gov.au.
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