
Showing 1 - 10 of 206 search results for small business
  1. Ten most common types of scams

    Ten most common types of scams in the Northern Territory.

  2. Overseas workers and your business

    Help for employers with sponsoring workers from outside Australia and information on general skilled migration visa options.

  3. Pricing for businesses

    Find out about goods pricing for businesses, including rules for small and fine print, and reduced prices and sales.

  4. Dispute with a business

    What to do if you are in a dispute with a business, including how to write a complaint letter, making a formal complaint with Consumer Affairs, and contact…

  5. Hard to fill jobs in the NT

    A list of high priority and industry priority jobs in the NT, and how to add your job to the list.

  6. Employing prisoners in your business

    Information for business owners in the Northern Territory about what is involved in employing prisoners in your business, also called Sentenced to a Job.

  7. Funding to upskill or reskill employees

    Get Industry Buildskills Program funding to send employees on accredited training courses to improve skills and qualifications.

  8. How to make a small claim

    How to make a small claim in the Northern Territory, including serving documents to the defendant.

  9. Who can make a small claim

    Who can make a small claim in the Northern Territory.

  10. Support for victims of crime

    What support is available if you are a victim of crime.