Paying your rent in public housing

Rent increases when you get a job

If you get a job or your work hours increase and you receive more income, you may apply for the Employment Incentive Scheme.

Households that are eligible for this scheme receive a fixed term tenancy agreement.

This agreement starts from the date of the change and lasts for up to 12 months.

Income and asset assessment

To apply for the scheme, you must have your income and assets assessed.

A member of your household must also earn a minimum wage of $200 per week before tax.

You can only access the scheme once in a 12-month period.

How rent is increased

Your rent is increased in 3 stages during a 12-month period.

Stage one

For the first 3 months your rent will remain at the same amount you were charged before your income increased.

Stage two

For the next 3 months your rental rebate is calculated based on your increased household income.

Stage three

The last stage continues for the remaining 6 months.

Households eligible for public housing will continue to receive a rental rebate.

Households who are no longer eligible for public housing will be charged full rent or 30% of income - whichever amount is less.

If your income drops, your rent could be recalculated.

Read more about rental rebates.

How to apply

Contact your local housing office.

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