Paying your rent in public housing
Paying bond and other charges
Bond amounts may vary but are usually the value of 4 weeks' rent.
Your bond will be the value of:
- 2 weeks' rebated rent and 2 weeks' market rent - if you receive a rental rebate
- 4 weeks' rebated rent - if you receive an aged pension.
Read more on rebated rent.
Other charges
You must pay for your own electricity costs and other connections such as phone or internet.
If your home has its own water meter, the department pays for 500 kilolitres of water per year. This is measured every year between 1 October and 30 September.
For any water used over 500 kl, you may be asked to pay for the costs. If there was an unidentified maintenance problem such as leaking taps or pipes, you may not have to pay for the excess water.
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