Land use mapping and permitted land clearing

Land use mapping provides a snapshot of how the Northern Territory's (NT) land resources are being used.

It uses satellite imagery, aerial photography and field records to detect changes over time.

The NT Government carries out land use mapping with the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES). To find out more, go to the ABARES website.

It uses the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification system. Find out more about ALUM Classification on the ABARES website.

The most recent land use map of the NT was completed in June 2024.

You can access land use mapping products from the open data portal.

Major land uses

The following table provides a summary of the major land uses in the NT.

Primary land use class Types of land uses Area (ha) %
Conservation and natural environments National parks, conservation and Aboriginal protected areas 71,684,611 53
Production from relatively natural environments Pastoral production on native vegetation 56,753,367 42
Production from dryland agriculture and plantations Non-irrigated introduced pasture, cropping and forestry 285,092 0.2
Production from irrigated agriculture and plantations Irrigated introduced pasture, horticulture and cropping 23,967 0.02
Intensive uses Peri-urban, urban, industrial, roads and mining 429,640 0.3
Water Natural wetlands and water storage facilities 6,014,980 4.4
   Total 135,191,657

Native vegetation

Native vegetation represents 99.45% of the NT.

Non-native vegetation represents the remainder 0.55%.

Agricultural production on cleared land makes up 0.22%.

Permitted land clearing

The Department of Lands, Planning and Environment regulates permitted land clearing on unzoned land under the Planning Act 1999.

Unzoned land is freehold, Crown and Aboriginal freehold land generally outside the immediate vicinity of major population centres.

Find out about pastoral land clearing and unzoned land clearing.

Under the Pastoral Land Act 1992, the Pastoral Land Board regulates land clearing on pastoral leases. Where an application to clear native vegetation poses a significant risk to the environment, the application may trigger referral under the Environment Protection Act 2019.

All applications to clear native vegetation on unzoned and pastoral land are publicly advertised.

During the advertising period, scientific experts within the department assess an application against the land clearing guidelines.

Once this assessment is completed, the information is compiled and provided to the Native Vegetation Assessment Panel (NVAP).

The NVAP is made up of key environmental, planning and agricultural agencies and an independent chairperson. It reviews all the scientific advice, input from other government agencies and public submissions before making a recommendation to the relevant consent authority.

Issued permits

The following table provides the number of permits issued, the permitted clearing area and cumulative totals for permitted clearing since 2003.

Table data updated: 19 August 2024
Year No of permits* Permitted clearing (ha) Cumulative permitted clearing (ha)

* Unzoned and pastoral land clearing permits only.
** In 2016, a permit from 2013 was reissued due to subdivision of a pastoral lease. The reissued permitted area has not been included in the 2016 figures.

Get a printable fact sheet.

Land use and land clearing fact sheet PDF (285.1 KB)
Land use and land clearing fact sheet DOCX (291.5 KB)

All pastoral and unzoned land clearing permits can also be viewed on NR Maps.


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