Apply to clear freehold land

Landholders wanting to clear more than a total of one hectare of native vegetation, including existing cleared land on their property, must lodge a development application and receive a permit before clearing.

Before you apply

Applications must address section 46 of the Planning Act 1999 and include:

  • information about the location
  • extent and reason for the proposed clearing
  • a detailed statement describing the effect of the proposed development
  • a scaled drawing of the proposed clearing area.

The performance criteria for an application is specified in the clause 3.2 of the Northern Territory Planning Scheme 2020.

Read the NT planning scheme land clearing guidelines PDF (3.3 MB).

How to apply

To apply, go to the Development Applications Online.

For assistance with submitting an application, call Development Assessment Services on 08 8999 6046.

To help you meet the requirements set out under section 46 of the Planning Act 1999, use the Property Development Plan: unzoned land clearing application DOCX (120.5 KB).

For more information, read the application process and spatial data minimum requirements for unzoned clearing of native vegetation.

For help completing the application, call the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment on 08 8999 3631.

How your application is assessed

Applications are assessed by officers with experience in the fields of soil conservation, water resources and biodiversity.

If the consent authority is satisfied that the proposed development does not unreasonably contribute to environmental degradation of the locality, a permit will be issued to clear native vegetation.

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