
Camping and accommodation in Nitmiluk National Park

Get information on accommodation options in park

Nitmiluk National Park has several privately operated accommodation options for travellers within the area.

The campsite located near the Nitmiluk Centre is accessible to all vehicle types.

It's a privately-managed campground.

You can find information about the campground and other accommodation options on the Nitmiluk Tours website.

There are several Northern Territory parks managed walk-in or canoe access campsites within Nitmiluk Gorge.

The campsites are not easily accessible for families or for those wanting a quick day trip.

The closest campsite along the Southern Walks is about a 17km trek.

For canoers, the first campsite is within the fourth gorge.

To camp at these sites, you must book with the visitor centre as camp spaces are limited. Read more about camping in Nitmiluk Gorge.

Leliyn (Edith Falls)

A great family option with drive-in access is at Leliyn (Edith Falls).

Last updated: 01 March 2022

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