Rules for fishing in specific areas

Daly River Fish Management Zone

You must follow all the rules for recreational fishing in the Daly River Fish Management Zone - see the coloured area on the map below.

You don't need a permit to enter this area, but you must follow the guidelines for entering Aboriginal lands and waters to respect the culture of the traditional owners.

Possession limits for fish

You must follow all of these possession limits:

  • maximum size limit of 90cm for barramundi, overall length
  • maximum size limit of 90cm for king threadfin, fork length
  • maximum of three barramundi per person
  • minimum size limit of 55cm for barramundi, overall length
  • vessel limit of one barramundi over 90cm, overall length
  • maximum of three king threadfin per person
  • vessel limit of one king threadfin over 90cm, fork length.

Read about how to measure fish and rules for keeping your catch.

Reduced possession limits for crustaceans

You must follow these special possession limits for crustaceans:

  • combined personal possession limit of 30 freshwater crustaceans, including a maximum personal possession limit of 10 cherabin
  • total combined vessel limit of 90 freshwater crustaceans, including a maximum vessel possession limit of 30 cherabin when there are three or more people on board.

You must release female freshwater crustaceans with a cluster of eggs under the abdomen. Females with eggs are said to be 'berried'.

Seasonal closure

Between 1 October and 31 January you must not fish, have a barramundi or a fishing line with a hook, lure or bait attached in the Daly River seasonal closure area - see the coloured area on the map below.

Daly River Map

Freshwater pots and dillies

Read the rules about pots and dillies you may use in the Daly River Fish Management Zone.

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