NT History Grant
Northern Territory (NT) History Grants provide up to $7,000 to support:
- original research about NT history and
- broaden community access and engagement with resources.
Who can apply
You can apply if you're a resident of the NT and an individual, a society or a community organisation.
NT associations must comply with the Associations Act 2003.
If you're an NT Government employee, you:
- are subject to the conditions of the NT public sector code of conduct
- should refer to your department’s policy requirements
- must have an approved conflict of interest declaration and management plan:
- if employees of the Department of People, Sport and Culture.
Who can't apply
Territory, state and federal government agencies are not eligible to apply.
Previous recipients of NT history grants that have not been acquitted are also not eligible.
What can be funded
Preference will be given to applications covering topics which have not been researched before.
If the topic has been researched before, the applicant must propose a new approach or push the research into new areas.
Funds may be used for additional research project costs including:
- travel and accommodation
- costs associated with printing and publication such as:
- editing fees
- design costs
- copyright
- licensing fees
- incidental research fees
- reproduction charges
- interview fees.
Examples of funded projects
The following are examples of projects that have received funding:
- historical research for:
- a published work such as a book, journal article or written guide
- an unpublished or self-published work
- a radio program
- a journal article
- video/film or theatrical play
- website
- oral history interview.
To read a list of previous recipients of NT History Grants, go to the Library & Archives NT website.
What can't be funded
The following costs cannot be funded by this grant:
- purchase of equipment and assets
- cataloguing of collections
- digitising or reproduction of collections
- professional consulting fees such as historical consultancy fees to undertake research
- costs associated with work that has already been done
- wages.
How to apply
To apply for a history grant, follow these steps:
Step 1. Read the guidelines.
NT History Grants guidelines and application information PDF (811.6 KB)
NT History Grants guidelines and application information DOCX (196.8 KB)
Step 2. Apply online through GrantsNT.
Step 3. Submit your application by Monday 12 August 2024.
Contact the Library and Archives NT to discuss your application if required.
Key dates
- Grant round opens Monday 1 July 2024
- Applications close Monday 12 August 2024
- Assessment of applications September 2024
- Applicants notified of assessment outcome November 2024
If your application is successful
If your application is successful, you will get an agreement in the mail. Before you receive your grant money, you must follow these steps:
Step 1. Sign the agreement.
Step 2. Fill in the vendor creation/amendment form.
Vendor creation/amendment form PDF (147.6 KB)
Vendor creation/amendment form DOCX (69.8 KB)
Include your Australian business number (ABN).
If your organisation does not have an ABN, you must also fill in a statement by a supplier form. For more information and to get the form, go to the Australian Taxation Office website.
Step 3. Mail your form to the return address shown in your agreement.
Grant money is paid to the successful applicant unless an alternative stakeholder organisation or administering body is advised in the application.
After you receive your grant money
After you receive your grant money, you must do all of the following:
- Follow the grant agreement.
- Contact Library & Archives NT if there are any variations to your project.
- Complete your project within 12 months after you get the grant.
- Acknowledge the support of the NT Government and the NT history grants program in any publication of your project. This includes articles, books, pamphlets or internet material.
- When your project is finished you must acquit your grant in GrantsNT and give 2 copies of the project outcome to Library & Archives NT.
Terminated or suspended grants
Library & Archives NT may withdraw approval for funding if there is a change in:
- the financial viability of the project or
- the nature of the project.
Your grant may be terminated or suspended if:
- you request it
- your performance is unsatisfactory
- you do not meet the requirements of the grant agreement.
You must return any money you did not spend if your grant is terminated or suspended.
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