Chief Minister's Northern Territory History Book Award

This annual award is for the most significant historical book about the Northern Territory (NT) published in the last 12 months.

The winner will receive $1,000.

Who can enter

You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident to enter the Chief Minister's NT History Book Award.

You may nominate yourself or enter on behalf of another author if you have their permission to do so.

Books that are eligible

To apply for this award, your book must be all of the following:

  • a work on NT history
  • a work written in English or one of the First Nations languages of the NT
  • offered for general sale
  • published between 1 January and 31 December in the year before you entered the award.

How to enter

To submit your entry, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the Library & Archives NT online entry form

Step 2. Send 4 copies of your entry to: 

Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award
Library & Archives NT
GPO Box 42
Darwin NT 0801

To view the full terms and conditions go to the Library & Archives NT website.

After you enter

You will get an email acknowledging your entry - allow up to 7 days.

You will get an email in June if your book has been shortlisted, and you will be advised in July if you have won.


All of the following applies with the judging process:

  • the award will go to the book judged the most significant historical work on the NT
  • books will be judged on the following criteria:
    • significance
    • research
    • writing
    • references
    • design.
  • judges shall declare any conflict of interest
  • prize money is awarded to the winning entry at the discretion of the judges.

The judging panel is made up of industry experts from the NT History Grants and Awards Register of Peers. They have expert knowledge and understanding of NT history and experience in research, editing and writing.

You will not get any feedback about your entry and the judges' decision is final.

Past winners

Read more about past winners and books shortlisted for the award on the Library & Archives NT website.


For more information, contact Library & Archives NT by email or call 08 8999 7177.

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