Tertiary Fares Reimbursement Scheme - within NT

Students living away from home in the Northern Territory (NT), studying full-time in a NT tertiary institution may be eligible for help with travel costs.

Your employment status must be non-salaried. This means you must be paid an hourly rate and not be on a salary.

The Tertiary Fares Reimbursement Scheme - within NT, helps with the cost of travel at the beginning and end of each semester.

How to apply

You need to submit a new application each year.

You must apply by 30 September in the year that you will be making a claim.

To apply for the subsidy, fill in the application.

NT Tertiary Fare Reimbursement Scheme - application PDF (191.0 KB)
NT Tertiary Fare Reimbursement Scheme - application DOCX (75.7 KB)

You must attach proof of your tertiary enrolment to the application.

If your course enrolment changes you must make a new application.

How much you will be reimbursed

  • A maximum of 3 return trips per school year may be reimbursed from the student’s home to the centre in which the institution is located.
  • If travel is undertaken by regular passenger flight, reimbursement is based on the cost of the most direct and economical fare available.
  • The reimbursed cost of a regular passenger flight includes the base cost, GST, booking fee and credit card surcharge.
    • The cost of changing booked flights will not be reimbursed.
  • If charter flights are used in lieu of a private vehicle, the maximum allowance payable will be calculated as if a private vehicle were used for the journey.
    • Any variation to this will be at the discretion of a director of Financial Services.
  • Reimbursement claims are due by the 31 March of the following year.

How to make a claim for reimbursement

Reimbursement claims are due by the 31 March of the following year.

If your application has been approved, you can make a claim for reimbursement of travel costs.

To apply for a reimbursement, fill in the application.

NT Tertiary Fare Reimbursement Scheme - claim form PDF (696.7 KB)
NT Tertiary Fare Reimbursement Scheme - claim form DOCX (66.7 KB)

You must:

  • get your claim signed and stamped by an authorising officer at your tertiary institution to confirm your enrolment
  • attach evidence of your academic progress.

Your claim won't be processed unless you can demonstrate satisfactory progress.

If your progress has been unsatisfactory and there are extenuating circumstances for this, you can include details for review.

How to submit

Submit your application by email or mail to:

Student assistance officer
Finance Services
Department of Education and Training

GPO Box 4821
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 1800 019 157

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