Mobile phones

Problems with your phone

If you have a problem with your phone, you should contact either the retailer where you bought it or the company that provides your network connection, depending on the problem.

Make sure you have any contracts or receipts when you contact them.

If you bought your handset and call plan with a network provider they will be able to help with handset or connection problems.

If you bought a package from a shop, they will be able to help with handset problems. Your network provider will be able to help with connection problems.

When you are unable to resolve the problem

If you are unable to resolve the problem you should ask to speak to a manager or supervisor.

If you are still unable to resolve the problem contact either:

  • the Telecommunication Industry Ombudsman for network problems - call 1800 062 0587 or go to
  • or NT Consumer Affairs for handset problems.

For more advice contact NT Consumer Affairs.

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