This guide provides information on how to arrange a visit to a prisoner or detainee in the Northern Territory (NT) and the rules for visiting prisons.
Visiting a young person
Find out more information about visiting a young person in the Holtze Youth Detention Centre.
How to arrange a visit
COVID-19 safety rules
You must follow the COVID-19 safety rules at correctional centres. You will get more details when you book a visit.
You must contact the prison at least 24 hours before you want to visit.
Visit bookings are limited and should be booked well in advance.
You must provide all of the following:
- the name of the prisoner you want to visit
- the full name of every person visiting the prisoner
- a contact phone number
- the date you want to visit.
To arrange a visit, call or email using the contact details below for each facility.
You may not always be able to visit a prisoner. The prisoner or prison may refuse your visit.
Read about the rules for visiting.
Darwin Correctional Centre
If you are visiting the Darwin Correctional Centre, there are a few things you need to know.
All visitors over 18 years must enrol in the Bio-metric Identification System. Read about finger print and eye scanning.
First time visitors must arrive at least one hour before your scheduled visit.
All other visitors must arrive at least 45 minutes before.
Visiting hours
Each prisoner is allowed up to two private visits per week depending on security classification.
No private visits are allowed on Monday and Wednesday.
You can only visit the pre-release village (section 11) on weekends and visits are limited to one hour.
Getting there
There is no public transport to the Darwin Correctional Centre.
You must use your own transport or use a taxi.
The Salvation Army offers a shuttle bus service to the Darwin Correctional Centre. For more information call 08 8945 1947.
To make a visit booking you can call 08 8901 4141 Monday to Friday between 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm to book a visit.
Public holidays and weekends are excluded.
Or you can also email to make a visit booking.
Your booking is not confirmed until you receive a reply.
Find out more about the Darwin Correctional Centre.
Alice Springs Correctional Centre
To book a visit you can call 08 8951 8943 or email
Visiting hours
Private visits are allowed on weekends.
Visits are limited to one hour.
Read more about the Alice Springs Correctional Centre.
Barkly Work Camp
To book a visit you can call 08 8962 4550 or email
Read more about the Barkly Work Camp.
Datjala Work Camp
To book a visit you can call 08 8939 2900 or
Read more about the Datjala Work Camp.
Berrimah Correctional Centre
To book a visit you can email
Visiting hours
Private visits are limited to the weekend. In your email, you must indicate whether you prefer a morning or afternoon session.
Professional visits can be done any day between 9am and 5pm.
Getting there
There is public transport available to Berrimah Correctional Centre.
Get the Darwin and Palmerston public bus timetables and maps.
Find out more about Berrimah Correctional Centre.
Proof of identification
If you over 18 you must bring photo identification to every visit, even if you have been before.
If you don’t, you will be refused entry.
You can bring any of the following:
- current passport
- current driver licence
- employee ID card
- evidence of age card
- community card, for example, Larrakia card.
If you bring children under 18 years old they must be supervised at all times. Toys and games will be available in the visits area.
Rules for visiting
COVID-19 safety rules
You must follow the COVID-19 safety rules at correctional centres. You will get more details when you book a visit.
All premises are smoke-free. Tobacco is considered contraband, and you will be banned if you smoke anywhere on the premises or if you are found with tobacco.
You cannot leave children under the age of 18 in the waiting area or outside unattended.
Getting there
There is no public transport to the Darwin or Alice Springs Correctional Centres.
You must use your own transport or catch a taxi.
The Salvation Army operates a shuttle bus service to the Darwin Correctional Centre.
For more information call 08 8945 1947.
What you can wear
Your clothes must be clean and in good condition.
You must wear footwear, which can be:
- sandals
- runners
- thongs
- dress shoes.
What you can't wear
You are not allowed to wear any of the following:
- clothes that have obscene or offensive words, pictures or diagrams
- gang colours or symbols
- tight or revealing clothing
- hats
- sunglasses
- jewellery - only wedding bands and religious pendant necklaces are allowed
- singlets - except for children under 12 years of age
- watches
- steel capped boots or shoes
- stiletto and high heel shoes.
If you don’t follow these rules you won’t be allowed in.
What time you should arrive
If you haven’t visited the centre before, you must arrive 1 hour before your scheduled time.
If you have been before, you must arrive 45 minutes before your scheduled time. This will allow time for security checks and drug screening.
If you fail to arrive on time you will not be able to visit.
You will have to either:
- wait for the next session
- or reschedule for another day.
What you can bring into the visit room
Lockers are available to store personal items such as keys and wallets.
If you have a baby, you can only bring the following:
- one nappy
- one clear baby bottle
- one unopened pouch or plastic container of baby food
- no glass containers are allowed
- individual baby wipes.
What you can't bring
You cannot bring any of the following:
- letters, unless you have prior approval
- paper work, unless you have prior approval
- strollers
- toys or games
- cigarettes
- alcohol
- drugs
- mobile phones
- cameras
- weapons
- electronic devices
- glass or ceramics
- aerosol cans
- ring pull cans
- pets.
If you are found with banned items you will be refused entry and possibly banned for a period of time. In serious cases the police may be called.
Give money and mail to a prisoner
Bank transfers (EFT) is the preferred method for depositing money in to a prisoner's account.
You can deposit funds into a prisoner’s account by depositing cash at the visits reception counter at each correctional centre.
Sending cash by mail
If you want to send cash to prisoners, there are rules you must follow.
You can only send a maximum of $200 and you must:
- send by registered mail with Australia Post
- post it from where the mail was registered
- include your sender details.
If you do not follow the rules, your cash will not be issued to the prisoner and held for them until they are discharged.
Choose the Correctional Centre or Work Camp and follow the process below.
Darwin Correctional Centre
Choose from one of the options below.
Bank transfers (EFT)
To arrange a bank transfer contact the Darwin Correctional Centre Prisoner Monies team:
- Phone: 8901 4141, select option 2
- Email:
Money orders and cash
(Prisoner name) (IJIS number)
Darwin Correctional Centre
PO Box 1066
Howard Springs NT 0835
Alice Springs Correctional Centre
Money orders and cash
(Prisoner name) (IJIS number)
Alice Springs Correctional Centre
PO Box 56
Alice Springs NT 0870
Work camps
Contact the work camp below for details on how to deposit funds.
Barkly Work Camp
Phone: 08 8962 4550
Datjala Work Camp
Phone: 08 8939 2900
Berrimah Correctional Centre
Chose from one of the options below.
Bank transfers (EFT)
To arrange a bank transfer, contact the Darwin Correctional Centre Prisoner Monies team:
- Phone: 8901 4141 and select option 2, or
- Email:
Money orders and cash
You can send up to $200 in cash or via money order.
(Prisoner name) (IJIS number)
Berrimah Correctional Centre
PO Box 1066
Howard Springs NT 0835
Distressing news
If the visitor has distressing news to tell a prisoner, or the prisoner has bad news, a staff member should be told as soon as possible.
They should be told at the time of booking a visit.