Berrimah Correctional Centre

The Berrimah Correctional Centre holds prisoners from all security levels. It also holds offenders on remand waiting for their sentences.

To visit a prisoner, you must book at least 24 hours ahead as bookings are limited.

You may not always be able to visit. The prisoner or centre may refuse your visit.

Visiting a prisoner

If you're visiting a prisoner who is your friend or family, you can visit them on a Saturday or Sunday.

A professional visit can be done any day between 9am and 5pm, in person or by teleconference. This includes legal representatives, social workers and psychologists.

How to book

To book a visit, email your request to

You must include:

  • the name of the prisoner you want to visit
  • the full name and birthdate of every person visiting the prisoner
  • a contact phone number
  • the date you want to visit
  • whether you prefer a morning or afternoon session.

Rules for visiting

When you visit, you must follow the rules below.

If you over 18, you must bring photo ID to every visit, even if you have visited before.

If you don’t, you will be refused entry.

You can bring any of the following:

  • current passport
  • current driver licence
  • employee ID card
  • evidence of age card
  • community card, for example, Larrakia card.

You must wear:

  • clothing that is clean and in good condition
  • footwear, such as:
    • sandals
    • runners
    • thongs
    • dress shoes.

What you can't wear

You are not allowed to wear any of the following:

  • clothes that have obscene or offensive words, pictures or diagrams
  • gang colours or symbols
  • tight or revealing clothing
  • hats
  • sunglasses
  • jewellery - only wedding bands and religious pendant necklaces are allowed
  • singlets - except for children under 12 years of age
  • watches
  • steel capped boots or shoes
  • stiletto and high heel shoes.

If you don’t follow these rules you won’t be allowed in.

You must arrive:

  • 30 minutes before your scheduled time if you haven’t visited the centre before
  • 20 minutes before your scheduled time if you have visited before.

If you fail to arrive on time, you will not be able to visit.

You will have to wait for the next session or reschedule for another day.

Lockers are available to store personal items such as keys and wallets.

If you have a baby, you can only bring:

  • one nappy, clear baby bottle and unopened pouch or plastic container of baby food
    • no glass containers are allowed
  • individual baby wipes.

What you can't bring

You cannot bring any of the following:

  • letters, unless you have prior approval
  • paperwork, unless you have prior approval
  • strollers
  • toys or games
  • cigarettes
  • tobacco
  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • mobile phones
  • cameras
  • weapons
  • electronic devices
  • glass or ceramics
  • aerosol cans
  • ring pull cans
  • pets.

If you have these items, you will be refused entry and possibly banned for a period of time. In serious cases, the police may be called.

You cannot leave children under the age of 18 in the waiting area or outside unattended. They must always be supervised.

Toys and games will be available in the visiting area.

The correctional centre is smoke-free. Tobacco is considered contraband, and you will be banned if you:

  • smoke anywhere on the premises or
  • are found with tobacco.

Getting there

The Berrimah Correctional Centre is located on Tivendale Road, roughly 15 kilometres from Darwin.

There is public transport available.

Get the Darwin and Palmerston public bus timetables and maps.

Sending money to a prisoner

You can send money to a prisoner by electronic bank transfer (EFT), mail or in person at the Darwin Correctional Centre.

Bank transfer

A bank transfer (EFT) is the preferred method for depositing money in to a prisoner's account.

To arrange a bank transfer, contact the Darwin Correctional Centre Prisoner Monies team:

By mail

You can send up to $200 in cash or via money order.

Write the address like this:

(Prisoner name) (IJIS number)
Berrimah Correctional Centre
PO Box 1066
Howard Springs NT 0835

You must:

  • send by registered mail with Australia Post
  • post it from where the mail was registered.

If you do not follow the rules, your cash will not be issued to the prisoner. It will be held for them until they are discharged.

In person

Deposits can only be made in person at the Darwin Correctional Centre's visits reception counter.


Phone: 8922 0112

Berrimah Correctional Centre
30 Tivendale Road
Berrimah NT 0828

PO Box 1066
Howard Springs NT 0835

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