Prisoners' rights
All prisoners have basic rights when they serve their sentence inside a prison. They have the right to be treated with humanity, dignity and respect.
All prisons and youth detention centres are inspected once a month by an official visitor, who is appointed by the Minister for Justice.
Prisoners can talk to their prisoner support officer or their Aboriginal liaison officer if they have any questions.
Legal help
Under the law, prisoners can talk to a lawyer or other legal representative. They can call them for free from prison and arrange visits.
Lawyers can also bring other people such as translators to help give advice.
Right to information
All prisoners and community-based offenders can request records of their personal and non-personal information.
To request your records, you can make a Freedom of Information request.
Adult prisoners
Adult prisoners can also request records by sending a written request to the address below:
Information Coordinator
Department of Corrections
GPO Box 1722
Darwin NT 0801
Representatives of young people
If you're providing legal or other services to a young person in a detention centre, you can also directly request access to some of your client’s records. This includes support and case management plans.
The information should relate to the services you're providing and the client must agree to their information being shared.
Email your request together with a signed authority from your client to:
- for Holtze Youth Detention Centre or
- for Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre.
Medical help
Prisoners are given a full medical examination on arrival by a medical officer. This includes a record of previous medical history and medication they are currently taking.
Prisoners have access to the same health care that is available to the community in the same part of the Northern Territory (NT).
If a prisoner is critically ill or injured, their next of kin, lawyer, and anyone else who has can make decisions on their behalf will be notified.
Prisoners who have a complaint can talk to their sector or block officer, or supervising officer.
If the issue isn’t resolved, the prisoner can submit a superintendent’s parade request form to speak to the superintendent’s delegate.
For serious complaints, the prisoner can inform the Ombudsman NT using the prisoner telephone system, or contact their lawyer.
For very serious complaints, the prisoner can speak with the official visitor, who represents the Minister for Justice.
Prisoners should also allow time for complaints to be resolved.
Sentenced prisoners can request a transfer to another prison in another state.
This is usually for welfare reasons, such as being closer to family.
When a prisoner is transferred, it means the:
- sentence is transferred to the receiving state or territory
- new state or territory is:
- financially responsible for the prisoner
- responsible for the prisoner’s welfare
- prisoner's eligibility for parole stays the same.
Requesting a transfer
All transfer requests must go through the Sentence Management team within the correctional facility.
Prisoners can apply or ask their lawyer to apply on their behalf. However, legal representation is not necessary.
The Sentence Management team can help prisoners with their applications.
When applying, prisoners must include reasons that support the transfer, such as:
- family support
- medical reasons, if any
- job opportunities after their sentence.
Applications must also include details of any lodged appeals or outstanding charges.
Alice Springs Correctional Centre and Barkly Work Camp
Sentence Management team
Alice Springs Correctional Centre
PO Box 56
Alice Springs NT 0871
Darwin Correctional Centre and Datjala Work Camp
Sentence Management team
Darwin Correctional Centre
PO Box 1066
Howard Springs NT 0835
After a request is submitted
Applications are processed by the Sentence Management team and provided to the Commissioner of NT Correctional Services.
The commissioner makes a recommendation and then provides the application to the minister's office.
Applications must be approved by:
- NT Attorney-General's Department
- NT Minister for Justice
- NT Minister for Justice in the receiving state or territory.
If the application is approved, it will be forwarded to the minister in the receiving state or territory.
If it's not approved, the prisoner must wait 12 months before reapplying.
Transfer applications can take many months to process.
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