Pawnbrokers and second-hand dealer licences

Fees for pawnbroker and second-hand dealer licences

Licence fees are exempt from GST.

The fees below also apply to applications to register licences from outside the NT.

​Application fee​Licence fee
Pawnbrokers licence or second-hand dealers licence1 year​$77$239$316
2 years​$77$401$478
3 years​$77$564$641
Pawnbrokers licence or second-hand dealers licence - corporation​1 year​$162$239$401
2 years​$162$401$563
3 years​$162$564$726
Combined pawnbrokers and second-hand dealers licence1 year​$119$324$443
​2 years$119$564$683
​3 years$119$726$845
Combined pawnbrokers and second-hand dealers licence - corporation​1 year​​$239​$324$563
​2 years​$239$564$803
​3 years​$239$726$965
Police history name check​​$84
Additional business premise   $162
Penalty for late renewal application   $239
Waiver of publication of notice under section 253   $162

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