Apply for a meat industry licence

You must have a licence to operate an abattoir or to process, slaughter, transport or store meat in the Northern Territory (NT).

This includes meat for human consumption, pet meat and bait meat.

Licences last for one year, from 1 July to 30 June.

Who can apply

You can apply as an individual or company for operations based in the NT.

You must be able to meet the requirements of the NT Meat Industries Act 1996 and relevant Australian standards.

Read the Act on the NT Legislation website.

You should also read more about the standards for cold stores, and domestic abattoirs and meat processing.

How long it takes

Applications are processed within 30 days. Incomplete applications may take longer to finalise.

What you need

You must be able to prove you are a 'fit and proper' person to be a licensee in the meat industry.

If you have been convicted of an offence, you will need to provide details about the conviction. You don’t need to provide details of any traffic convictions.

If you are applying as a business, you’ll need to provide conviction details for people who have a significant role in, or influence over, the business. You'll also need your business' Australian business number (ABN).

Read more below to understand the requirements for the different licence types.

Applicants for domestic abattoir licences will need to provide:

  • conviction details (new licences and renewals)
  • copy of the meat inspector’s qualification (new licences and renewals)
  • copy of your approved food safety arrangement or a hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) manual (new licences)
  • copy of the published newspaper notice. The notice must state the proposed licence type, licensee name, site location and the objection process (new licences)
  • proof you have met any planning or environmental requirements (new licences):
  • civil aviation approvals (new licences) - read more on the Civil Aviation Safety Authority website.

Applicants for processing for human consumption, and cold store licences will need to provide:

Applicants for pet meat processing licences will need to provide:

  • conviction details (new licences and renewals)
  • copy of your approved food safety arrangement or a hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) manual (new licences).

Applicants for pet, game and bait meat slaughter licences will need to provide:

  • conviction details (new licences and renewals)
  • copy of your firearms licence (new licences and renewals)
  • written permission that you have the land owner's permission to operate on their property for the purpose of animal slaughter
    • you must use the owner's permission to operate form below (new licences and renewals)
  • copy of your approved food safety arrangement or a hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) manual (new licences).

Applicants for meat delivery licences will need to provide:

  • conviction details (new licences and renewals)
  • make, model and registration details of the vehicle being used to deliver meat (new licences and renewals).


Licence typeNew licenceRenewal
Poultry abattoir$211$141
Pet meat processing$141$70
Game meat processing$211$141
Cold store$211$141
Pet meat slaughter$141$70
Game meat slaughter$141$70
Bait meat$141$70
Meat delivery - per vehicle$69.21$69.21

Get help

Contact a meat industries officer by emailing or calling 08 8999 2102.

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