Crocodile farming and trade
Changes to the Livestock Act 2008
From 30 April 2024, new biosecurity laws will apply to the livestock and agricultural industries in the NT.
Read about these changes
If you farm and trade crocodiles and crocodile products in the Northern Territory (NT), there are regulations you must follow.
You must get a permit to keep or trade in crocodiles and their parts in the NT and you must also comply with the Management Program for the Saltwater Crocodile.
For guidelines on development of the industry, read the crocodile farming industry strategic plan.
Code of practice
The NT has adopted the national code of practice for the humane treatment of wild and farmed crocodiles. This forms part of the NT crocodile management program.
It covers activities for individuals and companies who have been granted a licence to do all of the following things:
- capture or take crocodiles and eggs from the wild on private or public land
- keep crocodiles for commercial raising or captive breeding
- kill crocodiles
- incubate eggs in controlled conditions
- sell live crocodiles as part of the pet trade.
The code does not apply to facilities where captive crocodiles are displayed for scientific exhibition or education purposes.
To get the code of practice go to the Australian Government's Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.
You need a permit to keep most native wildlife, including crocodiles. These permits are issued by the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT.
Find out more about permits for keeping protected and prohibited wildlife.
You need a separate permit to take or harvest crocodiles or eggs from the wild. Find out how to get a permit to take or interfere with wildlife.
If you want to farm crocodiles you will need both types of permits. Contact the Parks and Wildlife permits section if you need further information.
Importing from overseas
You must get two permits to bring crocodile products into the NT direct from overseas.
You must get an import permit from the Australian Government. To find out more, go to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.
You must also get an NT import permit, as outlined above under Importing within Australia.
If the product is first imported to somewhere else in Australia, only an NT import permit is required.
Crocodile farms in the NT
There are seven crocodile farms in the NT, from hatcheries to major tourism ventures.
Crocodile biosecurity
There are detailed guidelines for maintaining hygiene standards on crocodile farms.
Get the guidelines for biosecurity of NT crocodile farms: hygiene procedures and biosecurity concerns PDF (61.8 KB).
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