Changes to the Livestock Act 2008

From 30 April 2024, new biosecurity laws for livestock and agricultural industries in the NT came into place.

These laws were part of the Livestock and Other Amendments Act 2024.

Further amendments to the Act are also currently being proposed.

Read more below.

Summary of changes from 30 April 2024

The changes:

  • give the minister and chief livestock inspector powers to respond quickly and effectively to emergency diseases
  • simplify the process of appointing police officers as livestock inspectors during an outbreak
  • introduce voluntary biosecurity management plans for properties, including rules for signage
  • require statutory notices for certain actions - for example, a 14-day notice period to retrieve stray animals from a nearby property where the parties cannot agree
  • allow the Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal to review decisions made under the Act
  • provide a streamlined appointment of NT Police officers during an emergency disease event
  • update the biosecurity regulatory framework for honey bees and beehive registration
  • allow the update penalty offences so they are appropriate and fair, in line with part IIAA of the Criminal Code
  • amend the Trespass Act 2023 to provide more circumstances of aggravated offences, specifically for properties involved in primary production.

Summary of proposed changes

The proposed changes will:

  • further strengthen and align the NT nationally to biosecurity regulation for keeping and moving bees (and beehives)
  • move towards a modern biosecurity regulatory approach to pigs and the feeding of prohibited food (swill)
  • modernise and nationally align the NT with the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) to ensure the NT has modern electronic movement, tracing, and reporting requirements for cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goats
  • review and amend the land transport standards and guidelines to ensure national compliance with the Australian animal welfare standards and guidelines.


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