Brand and identify livestock

NT brands register and directories

Read about how to get access to the Northern Territory (NT) directory of livestock brands, and how to search the register for a brand.

A 2018 audit of the NT brands register is still underway.

Outstanding audits

There are still a number of outstanding brand audits.

You must complete the audit to ensure your brand does not get cancelled.

Complete the audit

To complete the brands audit, follow these steps:

Step 1. Check if your brand is on the outstanding audit list.

Step 2. Complete the 2018 audit form DOCX (176.2 KB).

Step 3. Indicate any changes to your registered brand/s.

Step 4. Submit your completed form by post or email.

Livestock Identification Systems Administrator
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

The NT Brands Register lets you:

  • search for a brand
  • find out who owns them
  • find out the brands associated with a property.

You can search the NT Brands Register online for free. Search by brand, owner or property name.

You can also request a search by applying online at Territory Services.

Apply online

Other ways to apply

You can apply by mail or email.

To request information by email, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the form.

NT brands register search request PDF (764.9 KB)
NT brands register search request DOCX (65.6 KB)

Step 2. Pay your fee in person or by phone at a Receiver of Territory Monies.

Step 3. Submit your application and payment receipt by mail or email to:

LISA / brands clerk - Livestock Biosecurity
Biosecurity and Animal Welfare Branch
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801

You must pay a fee by cheque or credit card as outlined on the form when you send in the request.


A $50.62 fee applies to all NT brand search requests.

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