Apply for a temporary licence to drive or tow an unregistered vehicle

If you need to relocate or repair an unregistered vehicle, you must apply for a temporary licence to drive or tow it in the Northern Territory (NT).

The temporary licence doesn’t cover the regular use of a vehicle on a public street. You can’t use it as a substitute for normal registration.

Who can apply

You can apply if you meet all of the requirements below:

  • you hold the relevant class of licence for the vehicle you will drive
  • the vehicle parts are in safe condition - for example, brakes
  • the licence is needed to relocate or repair the vehicle.

When you can use a temporary licence

You may use a temporary licence in any of the following circumstances:

  • an unregistered vehicle is to be relocated from one location to another
  • an unregistered vehicle is to be driven to a workshop associated with the service or repair of motor vehicles
  • a vehicle operating under a pastoral permit is to be transported to another location which is not approved under the pastoral permit issued to that vehicle
  • relocating unregistered caravans, mobile homes and other such vehicles primarily used as a dwelling from one location to another
  • relocating unregistered machinery or plant from one work-site to another
  • an unregistered vehicle is to be used to participate in an approved parade, procession or event
  • when a non-standard vehicle - generally a trailer - is being used to transport a non-standard load and approval is issued from the Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR)
  • a registered motor vehicle is to be used when a greater compensation contribution would normally be required - e.g. when a standard registered vehicle is to be offered as a self-drive hire car
  • a vehicle or trailer is detected as unregistered and uninsured during an auditing process.

How to apply

You can apply online or in person.


You can apply online if the vehicle is a light vehicle and was previously registered in the NT.

Go to Territory Services

In person

Follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in an R7 apply for a temporary licence to drive or tow an unregistered vehicle form PDF (234.3 KB).

Step 2. Submit your application at an MVR office.

Step 3. Pay the temporary licence fee. You can pay the fee by cash, EFTPOS, BasicsCard, Visa or Mastercard.

After you apply

You will be given a receipt. This is your temporary licence.

You must keep it with you at all times while driving in the NT.

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