
Showing 301 - 310 of 317 search results for
  1. Occupancy certification in Tier 2 building control area

    How to obtain occupancy certification in Tier 2 building control areas, part certification and builder's declarations.

  2. What assets are assessed

    A list of assets assessed when determining your eligibility for public housing.

  3. Dividing fences and neighbouring properties

    How to change or replace pool fencing.

  4. Looking after your kitchen

    How to clean and look after your kitchen in your public housing home.

  5. Looking after your laundry

    How to look after your laundry, including your washing machine, floor drain and tub.

  6. Research before you buy or sell a property

    Research you should do before you buy or sell a property.

  7. Get mediation or conciliation help

    Getting mediation or conciliation to resolve your dispute with a builder or building contractor in the Northern Territory.

  8. Continuing certification after unexpected events

    A list of unforseen events that are prescribed by law and that allow you exemption from full building certification.

  9. Cleaning your bathroom and toilet

    How to clean your bathroom and toilet including your basin, shower and bath and floors.

  10. Light bulbs and smoke alarms

    Maintaining your smoke alarm and how to change light bulbs in your public housing home.