
Showing 41 - 50 of 644 search results for
  1. Change or cancel heavy vehicle configuration

    How to change or cancel your heavy vehicle configuration.

  2. Darwin and Palmerston school bus directions and maps

    School bus timetables and maps for the Darwin area.

  3. Pig trailers registration fees

    Fees for types and sizes of pig trailers.

  4. Driving safety checklist

    Checklists and tips for driving safety, including vehicle safety checks to make before you leave, and tips to avoid distractions while driving.

  5. Demerit points

    Check how many demerit points you have and what happens when demerit points are recorded on your driver licence and when it expires.

  6. Bicycle safety

    Road safety information for cyclists, including helmet safety, rules for riding on the road, riding at night, bike education for children and bike safety…

  7. Adding lights to your vehicle

    Standards for additional extra lights to your vehicle like fog lamps, driving lights and search lamps.

  8. Mass limits

    This page had information on the maximum mass limits of different types of heavy vehicles in the NT.

  9. Proposed public bus changes

    Information on future changes and proposed improvements.

  10. Apply for permit to work within a government managed road

    Guide to applying for approval for a development, activity or infrastructure project that will impact the NT road network.