Apply for social housing

Social housing wait times

Social housing wait times are reported on all allocations managed by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Community Development and community housing providers.

Wait times for social housing vary, depending on each applicant's circumstances.

They are affected by a number of factors such as the:

  • general demand for social housing
  • number of approved priority applications
  • availability and turnover of suitable homes in each location.

Below are the estimated waiting times for urban social housing as of 30 June 2024.

This includes general and priority applicants only.

Estimated wait times for public housing (years)
Region General wait times Priority wait times
1 bedroom 2 bedroom ≥3 bedroom 1 bedroom 2 bedroom ≥3 bedroom
Darwin/Casuarina 8-10  6-86-8 6-8  4-6 4-6
Katherine 8-10 6-8 8-10 6-8 6-8 6-8
Nhulunbuy 8-108-108-10 4-6 8-10 6-8
Tennant Creek 8-10 8-108-10 8-10 4-64-6
Alice Springs 8-10 6-8 8-10 8-108-10 8-10

Applications for social housing

Below is the total number of current applications for urban social housing as of 30 June 2024.

The number of applications for social housing is limited to those made to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Community Development, it excludes applications made directly to community housing providers.

This includes general and priority applicants only.

Applications for public housing
Region General applications Priority applications
1 bedroom 2 bedroom ≥3 bedroomTotal 1 bedroom 2 bedroom ≥3 bedroomTotal
Darwin region 856 170 1251,151735212 2451,192
Palmerston 32777 52456 253 8888429
Katherine 23460 703647738 50 165
Nhulunbuy 50 36 54140 5 12 1734
Tennant Creek 64 253912820 12 4476
Alice Springs 484 213 204901 141 116 128385

Social housing allocations

Allocations from the wait list are dependent on the availability of housing stock, which is generally linked to the number of households leaving social housing.

The number of urban social housing allocations from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 is shown below.

This includes general and priority applicants only.

Allocations for public housing
Region General allocations Priority allocations
1 bedroom 2 bedroom ≥3 bedroomTotal 1 bedroom 2 bedroom ≥3 bedroomTotal
Darwin region 248124443 22 3398
Palmerston 195 11352925 1569
Katherine -821034714
Nhulunbuy - - -0-3 - 3
Tennant Creek 1 - 233148
Alice Springs 6 3 91856819
Total 502436110836167211

Applications for social housing compared to vacant social housing homes

Below is the total number of applications for social housing compared to vacant social housing homes as of 30 June 2024.

This includes general, priority and transfer applicants.

Vacant homes includes dwellings undergoing vacancy assessments, maintenance, major upgrade and that are available to allocate.

The vacant dwellings number is limited to dwellings in the Tenancy Management System (TMS) and does not include all community housing providers.

Region 1 bedroom 2 bedroom ≥3 bedroomTotal
Wait list Vacant homes Wait list Vacant homes Wait list Vacant homes Wait list Vacant homes
Darwin region 1,7704 48519 492 12 2,74735
Palmerston 6468 21410 19912 1,05930
Katherine 3235 108 17 1394 57026
Nhulunbuy 58 - 48 2 731 1793
Tennant Creek 862 47 4 971 2307
Alice Springs 670 16 362 18 40716 1,439 50
Total 3,553351,264701,407466,224 151

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