Start your public housing tenancy

Find information below for starting a public housing tenancy in the Northern Territory.

You must start your tenancy within 7 days from the date you accepted the offer.

Before you move in, you must do all of the following:

  • pay your first rental payment
  • pay your bond
  • sign your tenancy or lease agreement
  • complete a property condition report.

You will then get your keys so you can move in.

The tenancy agreement is a legally binding document that includes all of the following:

  • how much rent you must pay
  • when the regular payments of rent must be made
  • how much bond money you must pay
  • your rights and responsibilities as a tenant
  • the rights and responsibilities of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Community Development as your landlord.

It is important that you read and understand the tenancy agreement.

You should also keep a copy of your signed and dated agreement. The department will also keep a copy on file.

If you breach any conditions, your lease may be terminated and you will be told to move out.

For more information, read the guide to the public housing tenancy agreement PDF (2.4 MB).

If you need help

If you are having difficulty understanding your tenancy agreement, more help is available from your local housing office.

Interpreters are also available if you need one. Find out about interpreter services.

A condition report on your property will also be filled out before you move in and you will be invited to be there, to help and agree to what is recorded.

These condition reports are essential to protect you as the tenant and the department from being charged maintenance costs that are not their responsibility.

For more information, read the vacant property maintenance fact sheet PDF (475.8 KB).

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