Heritage properties: information for owners

If you own a heritage-listed property in the Northern Territory (NT) all types of work carried out on the property are controlled by the Heritage Act 2011.

Read more at heritage properties: building works and development.

You may receive assistance to manage and maintain your property, including any of the following:

  • free professional advice from a conservation expert
  • rates relief
  • cash grants under the NT Heritage Grants program.

You can ask about getting professional advice from a conservation expert by contacting the Heritage Branch on 08 8999 5039.

If you pay rates on your heritage-listed residential property you may be eligible to get a relief payment on some of the rates you have paid.

What properties are eligible

Your property must be declared a heritage place under the Heritage Act 2011.

If your property is within a heritage precinct it needs to contribute to the character of the precinct. This is decided by the Heritage Branch.

Rates relief only applies to residential properties that are privately-owned buildings used solely for residential purposes.

You may still be eligible if your house has a small home office. This is decided by the Heritage Branch.

Properties owned by the NT or Federal Government are not eligible for rates relief.

How much you can claim

The amount of rates relief will be calculated on the total amount of rates paid less waste management charges.

You are eligible for a relief payment of up to 75%, up to a maximum of $4,000 in any given year for any given property.

Rates relief conditions

All of the following conditions apply for rates relief:

  • the owner is adequately maintaining the property which is determined by the Heritage Branch
  • the rates relief round closes on 31 March of each year, with proof of rates payments due before 31 May of each year
  • rates relief is only applicable on rates paid in the current financial year, applications for previous years will not be accepted.

The Heritage Branch reserves the right to calculate the amount of rates in non standard situations.

How to claim a relief payment

Read the guidelines.

Heritage Rates Relief Program guidelines DOCX (650.1 KB)
Heritage Rates Relief Program guidelines PDF (715.8 KB)

Apply for rates relief online at GrantsNT.

You must provide all of the following information:

  • your rates notice for the property in your name
  • photographs recording fabric and features that align with the heritage values of the property
  • proof the rates have been paid in full
  • your bank account details.

If you are not the property owner you must have a letter of authority from the owner.

All relief payments will be made by electronic funds transfer to your nominated bank account listed in the GrantsNT system.

The main purpose of this grant program is to help with the cost of conservation work on privately-owned heritage properties.

Read apply for a heritage grant for more information about the program including who to talk to about your property and projects which may be funded.

Before you start any works you should read heritage properties: building works and development for information on the rules and requirements.

Heritage Branch

Ground Floor Arnhemica House
16 Parap Road 
Parap NT 0820

GPO Box 3675
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8999 5039

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