Land surveys

This page has information for surveyors and the general public on how to find land survey and land tenure information for the Northern Territory (NT).

This information can help property owners, planners, developers, local councils and government departments to get a better understanding of issues relating to different pieces of land.

There are also specialised services for professionals and companies needing more technical and detailed information for planning, building and development projects.

These include:

  • survey approvals online
  • survey and land records
  • client services
  • cadastral infrastructure
  • Aboriginal community surveys
  • geodetic and positioning infrastructure.

Online information that requires specific programs to search graphically and textually is available on the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment website including:

  • global navigation satellite
  • digital cadastral database
  • continuous operating reference station.

A web based inquiry system is currently being redeveloped so you can search graphically and textually for coordinated survey marks in the NT.

Until this system is completed, if you need information on survey marks contact the Survey Branch.

If you are a registered user, you can apply online for Survey Data Allocation and lodgement of survey documents.

To access the online system, registered users can go to Survey Approvals Online and log in.

To become a registered user, contact the Survey Branch.

The Survey and Land Records unit has 2 main areas of responsibility:

  • statutory survey services
  • the management and storage of land records.

Statutory survey services

This area is responsible for making sure survey data for land subdivisions meets the legal and statutory requirements and maintains the integrity of the land title system.

Survey and Land Records carries out the following functions:

  • provide advice to surveyors, the general public, associated professionals and government agencies on surveying, survey requirements and subdivision processes
  • access survey data for compliance with statutory requirements prior to approval by the Surveyor-General. Read the Licensed Surveyors Act 1983.
  • carry out audits on survey data and provide feedback to licensed surveyors
  • allocate parcel numbers and survey data for new land subdivisions.

Survey data that requires approval by the Surveyor-General must be formally submitted to Survey Approvals Online along with the relevant payment for survey lodgement.

For details read the schedule of fees.

Survey plan - list of fees PDF (111.3 KB)
Survey plan - list of fees DOCX (687.8 KB)

If you need help, contact the Survey Branch.

Land records

Maintains public land information records to do with surveys and land tenure in the form of:

  • land parcel data in the Integrated Land Information System (ILIS)
  • a graphics database with multiple displays including NT cadastre and survey index, interests and development proposals - go to NT Atlas.

Other services provided include:

  • allocation of property and street addresses
  • technical advice and help with all land related inquiries
  • certified plans for a range of land related matters
  • technical descriptions required for legislated gazette publication.

Provides survey project management support to NT Government agencies and contracts the services of private sector survey professionals.

Client services include:

  • maintaining a panel of contract surveyors to provide a range of cadastral, geodetic survey and drafting services
  • providing cadastral survey advice for government, private surveyors and the general public.

Support services also include arranging and managing contracts to supply cadastral surveying services for government agencies that include surveys for:

  • granting and leasing of Crown land
  • acquisition of land and easements for government use
  • maintenance of Crown land
  • leasing of office accommodation for government use
  • road opening and closing.

Supports the work of surveyors with a range of services to make sure cadastral infrastructure and data collection is accurate and meets required standards.

These services include:

  • supporting projects that help improve the cadastral system and framework like the construction and location of permanent survey marks
  • the coordination of title boundaries on the NT Geodetic Network
  • supporting the development of computer systems to improve the accuracy of data being uploaded onto the digital cadastral database
  • helping with the maintenance of the Coordinated Reference Marks (CRMs)
  • providing infrastructure for private sector surveyors to calibrate Electronic Distance Measuring (EDM) equipment.

Supports the delivery of professional surveying services to support the issuing of leases and subleases for Aboriginal communities.

Read more about the management of Aboriginal land.

Provides the data needed to support:

  • land development
  • mapping
  • geoscience activities
  • navigation-based activities in the NT.

Other activities include:

  • the coordination, development and maintenance of the NT's geodetic infrastructure
  • providing a map projection system that translates locations from the globe to a mapping base
  • maintaining the Australian Height Datum (AHD) across the NT and contributes height models for AHD determination via Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
  • maintaining and operating the NT GNSS's Continuing Operating Reference Stations (CORS)
  • providing professional geodetic advice and support to government, the survey industry and users of the geodetic and positioning infrastructure.


For help and more information, contact the Survey Branch by calling 08 8995 5362 or emailing

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