Crown land grants for community groups

Appropriate Crown land is available for eligible community groups to develop community infrastructure at reduced or no rental cost.

Community groups can lease community infrastructure through a public and competitive process, or through a direct application.

A direct application must clearly address the matters set out in the Release of Crown Land Policy PDF (898.2 KB)

Community groups should share facilities where possible to minimise costs and increase the benefit and use of Crown land.

To be eligible, community groups must be:

  • incorporated
  • not-for-profit
  • based in the Northern Territory (NT).

To apply follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application

Fill in the direct sale or grant of Crown land application PDF (77.0 KB).

Step 2. Contact the Crown Land Estate Office

Contact your nearest Crown Land Estate Office to make a time to discuss your organisation's interest in a community Crown land grant.

You will need to provide all of the following:

  • completed application form
  • why your group wants to apply for a community Crown land grant
  • what your group wants to do if your application is successful
  • details or plans of any buildings you may want to construct
  • details of costing and finances for the project.

Step 3. Submit your application

After meeting with a project officer, if your application is eligible and suitable land is available, you will receive access to the online application system.

There is a non-refundable application fee of $814.

Step 4. Pay the application fee

You will receive an invoice for the application fee after submitting your application.

Your application will not proceed until you have paid your application fee.

Once your application has been submitted and paid for, the department will make sure:

  • you have the necessary financial and other resources, including expertise, to complete the proposed development within a reasonable time
  • the scale of the proposed development is appropriate to the site
  • the proposed development follows land use planning principles and the NT Planning Scheme
  • native title implications have been addressed
  • the impact on the environment has been considered.

Successful applications will be offered a lease of Crown land with conditions.

Length of the lease

Most leases are initially for the construction period of the proposed development.

Once the development has been completed, the lease converts to a long-term Crown lease that covers the life of the development.

For more information on Crown leases read the Leases of Crown Land Policy on the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment website.

Prescribed property

A prescribed property notice will be registered on the Crown lease under the Associations Act 2003.

Prescribed property is land that was granted by, or purchased using funds obtained under a grant from, the NT or Australian Government. It includes an interest, whether legal or equitable, in the property.

Prescribed property also includes grants received from the NT or the Australian Government for improvements on the land. Read more about prescribed property on the transferring property page.

An incorporated association can't dispose of, charge or otherwise deal with the Crown lease without consent from the relevant minister.


For more information contact the Crown Land Estate Office.

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