
Nitmiluk National Park

Find out more about Nitmiluk National Park.

Check road conditions at the NT Government's Road Report website before you leave home.

To contact the Ranger Station, phone 08 8973 8888.

Park sitesStatusComments Forecast opening
Nitmiluk National Park access Open

Due to seasonal conditions all walking paths between the Nitmiluk Centre and the boat ramp are closed. Alternative access is via the road. Car parking is available at both locations and for visitor safety we advise using your vehicle to access these locations.


Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge

Park sitesStatusComments Forecast opening
Swimming in Katherine River - gorge 1 Closed Permanently closed to swimming and canoeing -
Swimming in Katherine River - gorges 2 and 3 ClosedSeasonal closure-
Swimming in Katherine River - gorges 4 upwards  ClosedSeasonal closure -
Private canoeing (day) - gorges 2 and upriver Closed Seasonal closure-
Overnight canoeing Closed Seasonal closure-
Fourth Gorge campsite Closed Seasonal closure-
Sixth Gorge campsite ClosedSeasonal closure-
Ninth Gorge campsite ClosedSeasonal closure -
Jatbula Trail ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature
2024 walking season: 1 June to 30 September 2024. Book online.
Northern Rockhole - walk and swimming ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature and poor water condition in the pool -
Baruwei Loop Walk Open  -
Boat tours Open For more information contact Nitmiluk Tours on 1300 146 743 or go to the Nitmiluk Katherine website -

Southern walks and trails

Park sitesStatusComments Forecast opening
Windolf Walk Open  -
Southern Rockhole - walk and swimming Open -
Butterfly Gorge Walk OpenClosed for swimming-
Lily Ponds Walk  ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -
Lily Ponds - swimming at river ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature-
Lily Pond Waterfall - swimming ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -
Dunlop Swamp - camping ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -
Eighth Gorge campsite ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature-
Smitt Rock campsite ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -
Smitt Rock Walk (via Yambi Trail)  ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature-
Jawoyn Valley Walk ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -
Eighth Gorge Walk ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -
Yambi Trail (Windolf Walk junction to Butterfly Gorge Walk junction) Open  -
Yambi Trail (Butterfly Gorge Walk junction to Lily Ponds junction) ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -
Yambi Trail (Lily Ponds junction to Eighth Gorge junction) ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -
Waleka Walk (Pats Lookout to Butterfly Gorge junction) Open  -
Waleka Walk (Butterfly Gorge to Eighth Gorge) ClosedSeasonal closure due to high ambient temperature -

Mountain bike trails

Park sitesStatusComments Forecast opening
Jalkwarak Trail Partial closures Due to seasonal conditions the following sections are closed:
  • Nitmiluk Centre to boat ramp.
  • Gorge Road to Ranger Station
  • Gorge road to trail junction.
Jatete Trail Open   -
Gurumal Trail Open   -
Windolf Trail Open   -
Yambi Trail Open   -
Waleka Trail Open   -
Bamjon Trail Closed Due to track damage from rock fall -

Leliyn (Edith Falls)

Park sitesStatusComments Forecast opening
Edith Falls Open  -
Leliyn Loop Walk OpenOnly the northern side of the loop walk, up to the lookout, is open-
Sweetwater and Longhole Walk Closed -
Sweetwater swimming Closed -
Swimming in plunge pool ClosedSeasonal closureMay 2025
Swimming in upper pool Closed -
Campground Open -

Last updated: 21 March 2025

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