
Safety in Litchfield National Park

Get tips on being prepared and safe

You can have a safe and comfortable trip to Litchfield National Park by doing all of the following:

  • swim only in designated areas
  • observe park safety signs
  • make sure to bring and drink plenty of water - the water might not be available or you might need to boil before drinking.
  • wear a hat, insect repellent and sunscreen
  • wear suitable clothing and footwear
  • carry a first aid kit
  • avoid strenuous activity during the heat of the day - find out how to stay safe in the heat
  • get the Avenza Maps - a free interactive park maps on your mobile phone or tablet
  • take note of emergency call device locations
  • make sure your vehicle is well-maintained and equipped
  • beware of theft, lock vehicles and secure valuables.

Don't sit on bare ground or grass as scrub typhus is transmitted by microscopic bush mites on grasses and bushes.

Last updated: 02 February 2023

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