Garig Gunak Barlu National Park

Garig Gunak Barlu should be on every traveller's list.

It is at the very top of the Northern Territory (NT) and accessed by travelling through Arnhem Land.

It is a remote, rugged area fringed with magnificent white beaches on the Cobourg Peninsula.

The jointly-managed national park is perfect for bushwalking, birdwatching, fishing, boating and photography.

You may see saltwater crocodiles and the endangered dugong swimming in the clear blue ocean.

Stop at the Black Point Cultural Centre to see displays of Aboriginal, Macassan and European histories of the area.

Don't miss the ruins of the Victoria Settlement that are accessible only by boat.

Do not swim in the park as there are saltwater crocodiles and box jellyfish.

You must be fully self-sufficient and take enough food, water and fuel with you to last the trip, which is usually a week or more.

Get the Garig Gunak Barlu National Park fact sheet and map PDF (1.1 MB).

Garig Gunak Barlu National Park Garig Gunak Barlu National Park - Beach Garig Gunak Barlu National Park - Dolphins


For more information about site access, phone 08 8999 4555.

Park sitesStatusComments Forecast opening
Garig Gunak Barlu National Park OpenA permit is required to visit and camp during the dry season. Call the Permits team on 08 8999 4814.  
Coburg Marine Park Open   -

All year round access by sea only.

Road access is during the dry season only.

Roads are open usually from 1 May to 31 October, but check with the permits office before heading out.

All year round access by sea only.

Road access is during the dry season only.

Roads are open usually from 1 May to 31 October, but check with the permits office before heading out.

You do not need a permit to visit the park, but you do need a camping permit to stay in the park overnight.

Book well in advance, especially during school holidays.

In quieter times allow 2 days to process permit applications. Give alternative dates if you can.

Find out how to apply for a camping permit.

You can do all of the following activities in the park:

  • fishing
  • boating
  • wildlife watching
  • birdwatching
  • view historic ruins
  • bushwalking
  • scenic lookouts
  • camping – permit needed
  • ranger-guided activities.

Get the Garig Gunak Barlu National Park fact sheet and map.

Read about the historic ruins at Victoria Settlement PDF (685.0 KB).

For boating, you should register your planned boating trips at the ranger station before you set out.

Garig Gunak Barlu National Park has all of the following facilities:

  • information signs
  • Black Point Cultural Centre
  • ranger station
  • public telephone – you will need a phone card
  • 4WD tracks
  • fire pit
  • drinking water
  • public toilet
  • campground
  • accommodation
  • showers
  • boat ramp.

When visiting the park, remember all of the following:

  • permits are needed
  • stay on marked roads and tracks
  • carry plenty of food and fuel and be equipped with:
    • water, ice, first aid kit, tool kit, spare tyres, fuel, vehicle parts, shade awning, fishing gear, camera and binoculars
  • a boat is very useful in this area
  • rubbish bins are only available for Smith Point campers
  • be prepared to burn paper or carry out recyclable materials
  • all cultural items and wildlife are protected
  • pets are not permitted
  • nets, traps and firearms are not permitted
  • be careful with fire, keep campfires small and only light fires in fireplaces provided
  • collect firewood before arriving at your picnic or campsite
  • collect fallen timber only
  • don't use soaps or detergent in or near waterways
  • generator camping area is provided
  • observe restrictions on fishing catches and areas – see rangers for more information
  • shells are recycled by marine wildlife – you can look, photograph and identify shells, but leave them on the beach
  • check your vehicle is not transporting pests.

You can have a safe and comfortable trip to Garig Gunak Barlu National Park by doing all of the following:

  • observe park safety signs
  • no swimming anywhere in the park due to saltwater crocodiles
  • carry and drink plenty of water
  • wear a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, suitable clothing and footwear
  • carry a first aid kit
  • use free interactive park maps on your mobile phone or tablet
  • avoid strenuous activity during the heat of the day
  • make sure your vehicle and boat are well-maintained and equipped.

Phone: 08 8999 4555

Last updated: 03 May 2023

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