
Transport for students with disabilities

If your child goes to a specialist school or centre, you can ask for extra help with travel if you would otherwise not be able to get your child to school.

Requesting transport

Your school will let you know about transport services if they think you might be eligible. You can also ask.

The school will do an initial assessment. This will include whether your child:

  • can travel by themselves
  • has any other way to get to school
  • lives more than 500m from the school but within the transport zone.

There are other criteria you may need to meet. Your school will discuss this with you.

If you meet the criteria, you will be given a form to complete.

Application process

Your school will send the completed form to the Student Wellbeing, Inclusion and Program Services (SWIPS). Approved forms will be given to the transport department to confirm availability.

They will also confirm:

  • travel times
  • pickup and drop off locations.

All information will be communicated to your school. The school will contact you about the outcome.

It can take up to 2 weeks after submitting your form for transport to be finalised.

Each year you will need to resubmit a new form.


If you are approved but are placed on a waitlist, it means the service may be full. You will be notified when a place becomes available.

If you’re not eligible

You will receive a reason why your child may not have met the criteria. You can request a review with your school.

Schools can only support you through this process, they cannot provide approval themselves.

Your responsibilities

If you agree to the service, you will need to:

  • provide any equipment needed
  • help with putting your child into or out of the transportation
  • be on time
  • let your transport know if your child will be away
  • reapply each year in term 4.

During transport

Drivers will ensure all safety is met when transporting your child.

They will have general information about your child’s needs, such as:

  • medical
  • allergies
  • behaviour.

If there is an incident involving your child, a report will be provided to the school. The school will discuss this with you.