Enrolling students with disability

This page has information on the criteria and the process for the enrolment of students in specialist schools and centres.

Enrolment conditions

To enrol in a specialist school or centre, your child must meet the following enrolment criteria.

Early years

Early years criteria include all of the following:

  • general intellectual ability two or more standard deviations below mean on an individual test of intelligence or other evidence of significantly delayed intellectual development
  • score of two or more standard deviations below mean on a standardised assessment of adaptive behaviour for the composite score, or in at least two areas for the following:
    • communication skills
    • self-care
    • home living
    • social and/or interpersonal skills
    • use of community resources
    • self-direction
    • leisure
    • health and safety.

Primary middle and senior years

Primary, middle and senior years criteria include all of the following:

  • significantly below average intellectual functioning (IQ of 70 or below on an individually administered IQ test)
  • concurrent deficits in adaptive functioning - in the bottom 2 per cent in areas such as communication, self-care, social and interpersonal skills, functional academic skills, work, health and safety with multiple needs
  • requiring intensive support and a highly individualised program to allow access to, and participation in the curriculum.

Enrolment process

All of the following steps may be taken:

  1. You or your child's school requests enrolment in a specialist school or centre
  2. The principal of the specialist school or centre will meet you to explain the enrolment process
  3. You will be asked to complete a verification to enrol form for your child
  4. The principal will also request diagnostic documents and other relevant reports
  5. If the principal considers your child meets the eligibility criteria, your child will be enrolled on a temporary basis whilst formal verification takes place
  6. Your child's documentation will be forwarded to the Department of Education's student support division for formal verification
  7. The principal will confirm your child's place in writing
  8. If your child is not approved, but is already enrolled on a temporary basis, your child will be transitioned back into a mainstream school
  9. You have the right to appeal the decision.

Appeal the decision

To appeal you must do all of the following:

  • submit your appeal in writing within 10 days of receiving the ineligibility notice
  • in the appeal you should outline your concerns about the decision
  • you should submit your appeal to your child's school principal.

On receipt of your appeal the department will do all of the following:

  • convene a case conference with the appropriate staff to discuss your appeal
  • advise you in writing of the decision.

Go to policies on the Department of Education website for more information about enrolment in specialist schools and centres.

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