Change constitution or association name

If you want to change your constitution or association’s name, you must follow a certain process.

You can change your constitution if the membership agrees by a special resolution. This can be done at a general, annual general or special general meeting.

You may also need to advertise the change.

How to apply

To change your constitution, follow the steps below.

You can also get a checklist.

Amending the constitution checklist PDF (745.8 KB)
Amending the constitution checklist DOCX (55.6 KB)

Step 1. Notify members

You must notify members of the change by email and provide at least 21 days’ notice of the special resolution.

You should include the current constitution, the proposed change and a table with the changes. The table should advise:

  • what the current version clause and wording is
  • the new wording
  • why the change is necessary.

This will allow the membership to make an effective decision.

Step 2. Hold a meeting

Discuss the change at the planned meeting and get member approval.

Step 3. Submit the change

The public officer must submit the change within 28 days of the meeting.

You can apply online, by email or in person.


You must be ‘linked’ to the association to apply online.

If you’re already linked, apply at Licensing NT.

Attach supporting documents

You must attach the following supporting documents:

  • meeting minutes
  • change of constitution statutory declaration
  • constitution with annexure 'A'.

You will be prompted to pay the prescribed fee.

Email or in person

To apply by email or in person, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the change of constitution application.

Change of constitution application PDF (145.1 KB)
Change of constitution application DOCX (67.4 KB)

Step 2. Fill in the amend a constitution statutory declaration form.

Amend a constitution statutory declaration form PDF (215.8 KB)
Amend a constitution statutory declaration form DOCX (31.3 KB)

Step 3. Attach supporting documents. You must provide:

Step 4. Submit your completed application and pay the fee at your nearest TBC.

After you submit

Your application will be assessed and checked for compliance under the Associations Act 2003.

Changes will only take effect after you get approval.

Once approved, the association will be notified in writing and the change will be recorded on the association’s public record.

Advertise the changes

In some cases, you might need to advertise a change.

You must advertise if you’re changing:

  • the association’s objects and purposes
    • for example, changing from an educational to a medical association
  • member liability
    • for example, increasing member contribution to the association’s debt.

Change the association's name

If you want to change your association’s name, make sure:

  • you don’t use an unauthorised name
  • no other entity is using the name
  • ‘incorporated’ remains at the end of the name.

You will then need to follow the same process as changing a constitution.

Find out more about starting an association.



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