
Managing disputes about mineral titles

Disputes which arise during exploration and mining activities, or following a decision on a title application, should be resolved by mediation.

Where agreement can't be reached through mediation, disputes can be referred to the Northern Territory Civil and Administration Tribunal (NTCAT).

There are several types of matters the tribunal can be asked to review or make a decision about.

Mineral title decisions

The Mineral Titles Act allows for all of the following decisions to be appealed to the tribunal:

  • refusal of a mineral title application
  • refusal of an application to transfer a title
  • a decision to allow a mineral title to be converted to another type of title, but only the type of title it is to be converted to can be appealed
  • a decision to convert an existing non-compliant interest to a mineral title, but only the type of title it is to be converted to can be appealed.


The tribunal can be asked to make a decision on  the following matters:

  • appointment of a mediator to assist with reaching agreement on compensation issues
  • a claim for compensation, if the parties can't agree.

Access to land and other issues

A person can apply to the tribunal for a decision about a dispute relating to preliminary exploration, a mineral title, a title area, a proposed title area, or fossicking.

Areas of dispute include any of the following:

  • the area, dimensions and boundaries of the land being surveyed
  • entry onto land to conduct preliminary exploration, fossicking, or authorised activities under a mineral title - or to construct, maintain and use infrastructure under an access authority.

How to apply

To apply to NTCAT, submit the tribunal's form 3 ordinary application, along with the required fee.

You can get the form and information about fees on the NTCAT website.

Tribunal decisions

The tribunal will make either a decision or a recommendation, depending on what has been referred.

For issues about the granting of a title, the tribunal makes a recommendation to the department. The department does not have to follow the recommendation.

For other applications, the tribunal makes a decision that everyone must abide by.


Get the flowchart for NTCAT's tribunal processes PDF (971.6 KB).


If you have any questions, contact the Mines branch.