Apply for rehabilitation rent for an extractive mineral permit
As a mineral title holder, you must pay your annual rent and administration fees before the start of each operational year.
Read more on standard mineral title fees and rent.
Under the Mineral Title Regulations 2011 (MTR), you may be eligible to apply for the rehabilitation rent rate if you hold:
- an extractive mineral permit (EMP) or
- a mineral authority (MA) for an EMP.
In schedule 1, part 2 of the MTR, the reduced annual rent is 10 revenue units.
The rehabilitation rent is to assist you to complete the required rehabilitation on a title before cessation.
Before you apply
As an EMP holder or MA for an EMP, you must meet the following criteria:
- extractive works have ceased on the title
- title holds an environmental mining licence under the Environment Protection Act 2019 and
- rehabilitation works have begun or are due to begin in the next operational year.
How to apply
You must submit your application before the anniversary date of your title, and follow these steps:
Step 1. Fill in application
Fill in the rehabilitation rent request - extractive mineral permit application:
Rehabilitation rent request - extractive mineral permit application DOCX (62.1 KB)
Rehabilitation rent request - extractive mineral permit application PDF (567.5 KB).
Step 2. Submit your application
Submit your application by mail, email or in person to the Department of Mining and Energy.
By mail
Mineral Titles Branch
Department of Mining and Energy
GPO Box 4550
Darwin NT 0801
By email
In person
Mineral Titles Branch
Department of Mining and Energy
Level 5 Paspalis Centrepoint building
Darwin NT 0800
Step 3. Assessment and conditions
After you submit your application, a mining or authorised officer will inspect the title to assist with your application assessment.
If your application is still under assessment when the annual rent is due, you must pay the rent at the standard rate.
If your application is approved, the over payment in rent will be reimbursed to you and the rehabilitation rent rate will be in place for a period of up to 2 years.
Any requests beyond this are on a case by case basis and more inspections will need to be carried out.
If extractive works recommence on a title that has approved rehabilitation rent, you may be required to pay the difference between the rehabilitation rent and the standard rent.
If you have any questions, contact the Mines branch.