Fake ID laws

It is an offence to use fake or fraudulent identification (ID) to buy alcohol or gain access to nightclubs or pubs.

Fake ID laws for children

Children cannot do any of the following:

  • create and/or use a fake or false ID to get into a pub or nightclub, or to buy alcohol
  • alter any form of ID in an attempt to appear older
  • give a false ID to another child, so that they can get into a pub or nightclub, or buy alcohol
  • use a fake or false ID to try and get a genuine ID, such as an evidence of age card.

Fake ID laws for adults

It is an offence to give a child your ID if it is likely to be used for any of the following:

  • to get into a nightclub or pub
  • to buy alcohol
  • to obtain a genuine ID.

Seize fake or false ID

Anyone who works at a licensed premises should look out for fake or false ID.

If you suspect that an ID is fake or false, follow these steps.

Step 1. Seize the ID

You should seize any suspected fake or false ID that is presented in an attempt to:

  • enter a licensed venue
  • buy alcohol.

Step 2. Issue seized ID advice card

After you have seized a fake or false ID, give the person a seized identification advice card.

Make sure you record the date and venue name on the card.

Explain that you are required by law to seize suspected fake or false IDs.

The person can call the phone number on the back of the card for more information or to get their ID back.

Step 3. Record details in incident register and secure ID

If your workplace has an incident register, you should record any relevant details as soon as practical.

You should also make sure the ID is stored in a safe location.

Step 4. Tell the licensee or nominee

At the end of the shift or the next day, advise the licensee or nominee that you have seized a suspected fake or false ID.

Step 5. Tell Licensing NT you are holding a seized ID

You can contact Licensing NT by:

Step 6. Fill in and submit a seized ID advice form

You must fill in a seized ID advice form and submit it with the seized ID to Licensing NT, within 72 hours.

Seized ID advice form DOCX (64.4 KB)
Seized ID advice form PDF (544.0 KB)

You should also keep a copy of the form for your records.


Submit them in person to your nearest Licensing NT office in Darwin, Katherine or Alice Springs.

If you are outside of these towns, you should send your form and a scanned copy of the seized ID by either:

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