Change or vary liquor licence conditions or authority
If you hold a liquor licence in the Northern Territory (NT), you can apply to change the conditions or authorities attached to it.
You should apply at least 3 months in advance to avoid any delays with your application.
For example, you may need to advertise your application or have it referred to the Liquor Commission for a public hearing before a decision can be made.
Change or add authority
If you want to change or add an authority (licence type), you must apply for a new liquor licence.
Vary conditions
You can vary conditions to:
- change the hours of operation
- change operating conditions
- move premises, also known as substitution of premises.
To apply to vary your liquor licence conditions, follow these steps.
Step 1. Fill in an application to vary a liquor licence.
Application to vary a liquor licence PDF (824.9 KB)
Application to vary a liquor licence DOCX (71.1 KB)
Step 2. Prepare your supporting documents, listed in section 4 of the application.
If you are applying to move premises, you will also need to apply for a new liquor licence.
Step 3. Submit your application with all supporting documents and pay the fee at your nearest Territory Business Centre.
You can also email it and a copy of the receipt fee to
After you apply
If your application is complete, Licensing NT will assess it and tell you if you need to advertise your application.
This involves displaying a notice outside your venue. It may also involve publishing a notice in a newspaper.
If you need to advertise your application, you will be notified within 14 days of your application being accepted.
Local authorities like NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services, and the Department of Health will be notified of your application and will give feedback.
Once the advertising period is over, the Liquor Commission will review your application and issue a decision notice.
For more information, contact Licensing NT.
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