Primary production and processing standards

The primary production and processing (PPP) standards aim to strengthen food safety and traceability across the entire food supply chain, from paddock to plate.

A primary food producer is a business that grows, raises, cultivates, picks, harvests, collects or catches food.

Under the Food Act 2004, you must meet PPP standards if you produce any of the following:

  • seafood
  • poultry meat
  • meat and meat products
  • dairy products
  • eggs and egg products
  • seed sprouts
  • leafy vegetables
  • berries
  • melons
  • wine.

To read the PPP standards and supporting information, go to the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) website.

PPP standards for horticulture

The latest PPP standards that apply to the horticulture industry cover:

  • leafy vegetables
  • berries
  • melons.

These standards were created due to disease outbreaks associated with these products. Standards will be effective in Australia and the Northern Territory (NT) from 12 February 2025.

Various resources have been provided to help the industry comply with these new standards.

Registration requirements

If you’re a primary producer in the NT, you only need to register as a food business if you’re selling to the public or altering your produce.

This includes:

  • direct selling at the markets or in a retail shop and
  • canning, pickling, dehydrating and cutting produce (other than root or stem removal).

These 2 activities require registration under the Act.

There are also licencing requirements for the meat industry in the NT.

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