Pastoral training courses

If you're a pastoralist in the Northern Territory (NT), you can work with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to tailor a training course for your employees.

Read the courses below for more information.

Rangeland management course

The rangeland management course:

  • is designed to help first and second year station employees understand the unique environment of the NT
  • explains how cattle stations adapt pasture management techniques to maintain high levels of productivity
  • combines both theory and practical sessions - classroom sessions provide an introduction for the group activities undertaken in the paddock
  • can be tailored to suit the needs and interests of individual stations, and draws on local research and experience
  • is offered in the Big Rivers, Barkly and Central Australia regions.

Learning outcomes

Participants learn a variety of rangeland and cattle management topics, including:

  • pasture dynamics:
    • how to identify pasture species
    • pasture quality and quantity through the seasons
    • the functions of different soil types
  • weed management:
    • how to identify weeds
    • strategies for weed prevention
    • managing and controlling weeds on-station
  • fire management - a useful land management tool on cattle stations
  • ruminant nutrition:
    • cattle digestive system and nutritional requirements
    • supplementation - the how, what and why
    • supplementation - associated risks
  • practical activities and station infrastructure planning exercise - this involves a visit to the paddock to discuss the:
    • identification of pasture species
    • nutritional comparison - what’s needed and what’s supplied by native pastures
    • pasture and land condition monitoring.


To organise this course for your employees, email the pastoral extension team at

Meat and Livestock Australia courses

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) holds a range of practical workshop sessions and learning opportunities to help you:

  • gain knowledge and
  • develop skills to improve your livestock enterprises.

To find out what courses or training is available in your area, go to the MLA website.

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