Pastures and fodder crops

A range of pasture species and fodder crops can be grown in the Northern Territory.

This section contains information on growing these crops.

You can find more information by searching the online publications library.

Alice Springs region

The Alice Springs region is divided into three districts - Northern, Plenty and Southern.

The main land types that are useful for production include open woodlands, mulga shrublands, gidgee woodlands, calcareous shrubby grasslands, chenopod shrublands and alluvial plains of major rivers.

You can find information on the various native grasses that are suitable for this region in the publications listed below.

Barkly region

The Barkly region is divided into two districts - Tennant Creek and Barkly.

The land types of the Tennant Creek district have variable vegetation over light textured soils. The Barkly district is typified by treeless, slightly undulating black cracking clay plains dominated by perennial Mitchell grass and annual Flinders grass.

You can find information on the various native grasses that are suitable for this region in the publications listed below.

Victoria River district

The Victoria River District can be divided into two land types of rugged and hilly with valleys of tropical tall grass, and more undulating country of plains dominated by Mitchell grass.

You can find information on the various native grasses that are suitable for this region in the following publication - Pasture species of the Victoria River district PDF (8.5 MB)

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