
This page has general information for commercial banana growers in the Northern Territory (NT).

Bananas grow well in tropical and sub-tropical zones.

The main commercial variety in Australia is the Cavendish. Other popular varieties are Mons Mari, Grande Naine and Lady finger.

Grower advice

Bananas prefer deep, well-draining, acidic soils and frequent watering.

After harvest, remove the main plant and leave the largest sucker to replace it.

You must use tissue culture to grow plants from interstate to ensure they are disease free.

For detailed growing information and advice read banana growing PDF (42.8 KB) and irrigation management of bananas in the Top End PDF (54.9 KB).

Read about moving plant products interstate or overseas.

Pest and disease management

Insect pests

To identify an insect pest and the damage it can cause, go to the Northern Territory Insects Database.

Banana freckle disease

This disease, caused by a fungus, infects the leaves and fruits of all banana varieties.

Find out more about banana freckle.


Caused by an obstruction or stress, this condition prevents banana fruit bunches from emerging, or emerging abnormally twisted. Read the choke Agnote PDF (17.9 KB).

Panama disease - fusarium wilt

This fungus lives in the soil and enters a plants via the roots, causing the plant to wilt and die.

If you suspect your plants have this disease you should contact a plant health inspector.

For detailed information read Fusarium Wilt of bananas (Panama Disease) PDF (138.6 KB). It includes illustrations of diseased plants.

Research results

Search the online publications library to find the results of research regarding bananas.

General information

For general horticulture advice and information, read general advice for fruit and vegetable growers.

Industry associations

For information about the banana industry go to the websites of the Australian Banana Growers Council or NT Farmers.

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