
Taking surface water

If you want to use surface water for anything other than drinking water for your farm animals or your household, you need an extraction licence.

You should:

  • check the rules for the area you want to get the water from - found in the water allocation plan
  • read the water allocation framework.

Taking surface water in the Top End during the wet season

There are rules and conditions for taking surface water in the Top End during the wet season.

The surface water take - wet season flows policy PDF (579.3 KB) is used to:

  • guide water licensing decisions
  • manage surface water take.

This policy replaces the water allocation framework during the wet season.

Key aspects of the policy are that it:

  • has been designed with caution
  • reduces the volume of water available from Top End rivers in the wet season from 20% to less than 5%
    • or a volume determined by a water allocation plan
  • stops water being taken in dry years through minimum flow conditions in licences
  • ensures permits for water infrastructure are required at the same time through the interference with a waterway guideline.

More information

Read the surface water take – wet season flows fact sheet PDF (3.2 MB).

Read the surface water take - wet season explanatory note PDF (137.8 KB).

The video below explains how the policy works.

You can read feedback about the policy principles in the consultation report PDF (1.1 MB).

This feedback was received during the public consultation process.

Interference with a waterway

If you want to take surface water during the wet season, you may need to apply for a permit. Read the guidelines for interference with a waterway PDF (324.6 KB).

You should also read how to apply for a water extraction licence.