
Storm surge inundation

A storm surge inundation happens when a large storm, like a tropical cyclone, pushes a huge amount of seawater toward the shore.

The water can rise higher than normal tides and flood areas that are usually dry.

A tropical cyclone storm tide is a combination of a normal tide, along with the storm surge and waves created by the storm.

This can cause even more flooding and damage to coastal areas.

This includes damage to buildings, homes, and other infrastructure in coastal communities.

You should take storm surge warnings seriously and follow any evacuation orders for safety reasons.

The maps below show which areas in Greater Darwin, the Gulf and Top End regions could be flooded by storm surges in the future.

These maps are based on estimates of how high the sea level might rise by the year 2100 and how often such floods could occur.

Greater Darwin areas

Greater Darwin storm surge inundation overview

Storm surge inundation areas mapped:

Gulf communities

Gulf communities storm surge inundation overview

Storm surge inundation communities mapped:

Top End communities

Top End communities storm surge overview sheet

Storm surge inundation communities mapped:


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For more information, contact Development Assessment Services on 8999 6046.