
Adelaide River water allocation plan

Current plan Currently in development, due for completion mid-2026
MapAdelaide River water allocation plan map PDF (1.2 MB)
Area 7,640km2
Duration 10 years
Review Every 5 years once plan declared

The plan area covers the length of the Adelaide River from its headwaters in Litchfield National Park to the coastal plains of the Arafura Sea, and all other creeks and rivers that flow into the Adelaide River.

It covers 0.56% of the Northern Territory (NT) and 71% of the Darwin Rural Adelaide River water control district.


To advise the development of the plan, a water advisory committee was established.

For information about the committee go to the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security website.

Planning phase

The overarching goal of a water plan is to share water between water users, including the environment.

The department has commenced preparatory monitoring and assessment projects to improve understanding of the hydrology, ecology and cultural values of the Adelaide River catchment.

Identifying and understanding water dependent ecological and cultural assets in the plan area is essential to inform development of the plan. Quantifying existing and predicted demand for water from the resource is also important when establishing the sustainable yield and management arrangements.

Beneficial uses

The beneficial uses of water in the Darwin Rural Adelaide River water control district are:

  • Aboriginal economic development
  • agriculture
  • aquaculture
  • cultural
  • environment
  • industry
  • mining activity
  • petroleum activity
  • public water supply
  • rural stock and domestic.

Read the Government Gazette  PDF (373.8 KB), published 28 June 2024.

Water resources

The plan will manage and regulate the use of surface water within the Adelaide River water allocation plan.

Reports and publications

Several studies are underway to further build on existing knowledge to inform the development of the plan and its ongoing implementation. This includes:

  • ecological and aquatic health assessments
  • Aboriginal cultural water assessment
  • water resource and hydrology assessment
  • development of hydraulic and hydrodynamic models
  • groundwater, surface flows and water quality data collection.


Adelaide River Catchment land tenure types

Adelaide River Sub-Catchments


If you have any questions about permits or licensing requirements in the area, email water.licensing@nt.gov.au.

For water planning enquiries, email waterresources@nt.gov.au.