
Mataranka water allocation plan

The plan applies to a 9,282km2 area within the Daly Roper Beetaloo water control district.

It covers 0.69% of the Northern Territory (NT) and 2.82% of the water control district.

The Tindall Limestone Aquifer is the main aquifer in the plan area. It is part of the larger Cambrian Limestone Aquifer, which covers about 160,000km2 of the NT.

These aquifers are interconnected, but each has different hydrogeological features, and water flow through them varies.


Extensive consultation was carried out in early 2024 to inform the draft plan. This included:

  • feedback from the appointed water advisory committee
  • public submissions via Have Your Say NT
  • various stakeholder and community meetings.

Read more about the feedback and the government’s response in the consultation summary PDF (819.0 KB).

To find out more about the water advisory committee and read the meeting summaries, go to the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment.

Plan objectives

The main objectives are to:

  • balance the protection of key environmental values dependent on water with the overall benefits provided by the water resources
  • ensure water licence decisions account for Aboriginal and other cultural values dependent on water
  • predict and protect water for rural stock and domestic purposes
  • provide long-term security of a sufficient quantity and quality of water for public water supplies
  • set aside water to support local Aboriginal economic development
  • provide access to water to support sustainable development for the benefit of the region.

Beneficial uses

The beneficial uses within a water control district are declared by the minister under the Water Act 1992. They apply to the use of surface water and ground water within the district.

Read more about the beneficial uses within the Daly Roper Beetaloo water control district.

Water resources

The Mataranka Tindall Limestone Aquifer sustains the:

  • springs of Elsey National Park, Rainbow and Bitter Springs
  • dry season flows in the Roper River.

The aquifer stores about 32,700,000ML of water. Storage has increased by 39,000ML per year since the 1960s, despite water being extracted since around the early 2000s.

Surface water

The surface water resource in the plan area is the Roper River.


The plan does not permit surface water extraction licences within the plan area.

Surface water can be used for rural stock and domestic purposes without a licence.


The Tindall Limestone Aquifer ground water resource stores about 32,700,000ML of water.

Storage has increased by 39,000ML per year since the 1960s, despite water being extracted since around the early 2000’s.

Read the background report to find out more about the geological makeup of the aquifer.


The plan identifies 3 groundwater water management zones where an estimated sustainable yield has been established.

These zones include:

  • North Mataranka
  • South Mataranka
  • Larrimah.

The table below shows the estimated sustainable yield of each groundwater management zones in the plan.

Beneficial usesNorth MatarankaSouth MatarankaLarrimahTotal
Rural stock and domestic221331200732
Public water supply10339020513
Aboriginal water reserve for Aboriginal economic development4589353,59211,171
Other consumptive uses - agriculture, aquaculture, cultural, industry, mining and petroleum activities1,95222,80131,41650,028
Total allocations

*Nominal allocation within consumptive uses as required under section 22A(2) of the Act. The majority of water retained for non-consumptive uses is to:

  • maintain important ecological functions and
  • for cultural purposes and values of water in the region.


You can view current water licences on the water licence portal.

Aboriginal water reserves

An Aboriginal water reserve is established by the plan, with 4,574 ML per year made available for Aboriginal economic development in the plan area.

This volume may increase to 11,171ML per year with the recovery of unused water.


Contact Water Resources on 08 8999 4455 or email waterresources@nt.gov.au.