
Mataranka water allocation plan

The Tindall Limestone Aquifer sustains the following:

  • iconic springs of Elsey National Park, Rainbow and Bitter Springs
  • dry season flows in the Roper River
  • cultural and spiritual values
  • a variety of industries including:
    • pastoral
    • horticulture
    • forestry
    • Aboriginal enterprises
    • fishing
    • tourism.

The current draft plan boundary was extended south of Mataranka to take in the Tindall Limestone Aquifer in the Larrimah area.

The area was the subject of a land and water suitability assessment which identified land suitable for irrigated agriculture with water sourced from the Tindall Limestone Aquifer.

Extending the plan boundary will ensure that water allocation planning in the region reflects both current and future development, while protecting the other beneficial uses of water in the region.

The plan area is within the Daly Roper Beetaloo water control district.

To advise the draft plan, a water advisory committee was established. Read more about the committee and what they consider on the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security website.


Public consultation on the draft plan closed on 6 July 2024. While a summary report is being prepared, the public submissions have been made available on Have Your Say NT.

To seek local views on the draft plan, a consultation was completed with remote communities from February to May 2024.

During this time, staff from the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security:

  • joined the Northern Land Council to facilitate presentations at:
    • Katherine - 13 February
    • Barunga community - 14 February
    • Mataranka - 15 February
    • Ngukkur - 23 April
    • Numbulwar - 24 April
    • Mataranka (for the Jilkminggan community) - 27 May
    • Minyerri - 28 May
    • Ngukkur - 29 May
  • presented at local authority meetings at:
    • Jilkminggan - 6 February and 7 May
    • Mataranka - 6 February and 7 May
    • Daly Waters - 8 May
    • Larrimah - 8 May
  • held an information session to the Mataranka community, supported by the Roper Gulf Regional Council on 30 May.

Through these discussions, concerns were raised on the protection of river flows and springs.

They also wanted to ensure recognition of water sensitive areas and water reserved for Aboriginal economic benefits.

These are key priorities in the draft plan which will remain in any final plan presented to the minister.


Contact Water Resources on 08 8999 4455 or email waterresources@nt.gov.au.